9) Izuku has gained a stalker

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(A/N: Quick note that profanity will be used a bit in this chapter :) )

Izuku's POV

I walked into the house, took off my shoes, and carried them while I went straight for my room. I wasn't allowed to have slippers, my dad wanted to pretend I didn't exist pretty much. 'I don't think Dad's home, but I should still be careful.' I went into my room and closed the door as gently as possible. 'I wonder what he's going to do after I just disappeared for like a day. I never came home from school yesterday, and it's way past when school would've ended. I doubt even if I never showed back up he wouldn't care, not even file a missing persons report. Oh, shoot. is it a school day? I don't remember...' I sighed and set my backpack down, and flopped into my bed. 'Ugh, I just want to sleep forever right noww. Dumb heroes.'


I dozed off for a while until I heard the front door open. I wasn't always a light sleeper, but I made it a point to be hyper-aware of my surroundings. I heard something heavy fall to the front entrance, which would usually be a bag full of whatever he bought. He walked straight to his room, from what it sounded he was probably going to take a nap or something. 'Wait what time is it?' I glanced at my phone as the screen turned on. It read 15:00(3:00PM). I sighed again 'Jeez I'm turning into a grumpy old man' I slept for a few hours, which was nice. It took me a second to realize I had notifications from Eraserhead. Whoops. I opened up the chat to respond.

Eraserhead: Hey kid.

Eraserhead: How are you? Still with the chicken?

*Sent 12:00

'Whoops. That was 3 hours ago, I should probably respond'

Me: I'm okay. Sorry for the late response

Eraserhead: No worries kid.

Me: Oh and I'm not with the chicken anymore, I got sent home

Eraserhead: At least you're not kidnapped by that chicken.

Me: I guess. It wasn't that bad there though

Eraserhead: Were your parents worried?

It took me a second to think about what I should say. The fact that it took me a minute to respond was probably suspicious to Eraserhead, whoops. 'I'm just full slip-ups today.'

'Aren't you always? Deku.'

'Shut up conscience. I'm trying to concentrate on what to say here.'

My phone lit up again with another notification.

Eraserhead: Kid?

'Shit. What do I say?????' At this point, I was as inwardly panicking as much you could be 'AGH just make something up-'

Me: Sorry! I was doing something. What?

Eraserhead: I asked if your parents were worried

Me: Oh, they didn't know. I was left home alone last night and today, they should get back in a few hours.

Eraserhead: Why were you left alone?

Me: They had a quick business trip out of town. Apparently it was an emergency. Don't worry though, they left me enough money to buy food and stuff.

That was a lie, obviously. And Dad didn't leave anything. 'I don't even know why I call him dad, he hates it when I call him that. Meh.'

Eraserhead: Does this happen often kid?

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