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(A/N: I have no idea what to name this chapter

PS: My exams suck and are super boring)

(Also sorry for not giving the healer a name, I couldn't think of any and I would probably forget it anyway-)

Izuku's POV

Saturday, around 18:30(6:30PM)

After I was done texting with Eraserhead, I plugged in my phone and just kinda laid in my bed, with my thoughts swirling. I don't know how long I was just laying there, just thinking. '... More importantly, 'cause uh, I'm supposed to be dead? What do I do now? Do I try again?' I might have fallen back asleep again I don't know. But I only came back to my senses when I heard Hisashi's door open and him grumbling something to himself while walking to the kitchen. I never liked that name. "Hisashi" maybe that's why I called him dad instead.

'Whatever, it doesn't matter the reason.' I stopped thinking a few seconds before thinking again. 'ughhhhh what do I do now??'  I sighed, turning on my side. 'I should probably get up and like, analyze or something until I get bored.'

And analyze before I get bored I did. Which was around 05:00(AM)but we don't talk about that. But hey, Hasashi didn't notice that I was even home.

Hawks POV

I was chilling around my agency waiting for the healer to be done working, I wanted to ask her about Feathers but she said she didn't want to be questioned while working. Which made this way more boring for me since I don't have anything to do at all. 'Her shift should be done in.. oh. 2 hours still? God what should I do until then... Oh! I could annoy Endeavor a bit. Or maybe I should get more chicken? Nah I'm too full. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' I breathed a very bored sigh 'Oh god I'm turning old with how much I'm sighing' I tried to brainstorm on what to do, again. 

I swear I was thinking so hard that a light bulb appeared above my head, 'OH! I could try and find feathers! I mean I don't have any idea where he lives but- ok. No, that won't work. Ugh to much thinking. I might as well just fly around till her shift is done.' And so that's exactly what I did.

Time-skip; 2 hours later(21:30-ish|9:30PM-ish)

I just got back from my little fly around the city when the healer walked out of her office. 'Finally' was all I could think while she walked towards me. "So? You gonna question me now or just stand there like a chicken that got its feathers plucked off?" I looked at her in fake offense and put my hand on my heart. "Wow, so mean of you. You leave me & my beautiful feathers alone!" she rolled her eyes and continued. "I'm being serious, what did you want to ask me?" she asked. "Y'know when I asked you about Feathers and you said you "Took care of it"?" "Feathers? Wh- oh. You mean the kid. Yeah, why?" "What did you mean by that?" "Oh, yeah I told Nezu and now Eraserhead is watching him." She said casually, fixing a few papers she was carrying. "Oh, ok. Glad he's s- WAIT YOU CONTACTED NEZU?" 'Oh my feathers. Nezu is going to hunt him down now.' She looks at me with a slightly amused but annoyed face. "Thanks for yelling in my face, but yes. I contacted the demon" I face-palmed myself, dragging my hand down my face and sighed. "What's the demon planning on doing with Nugget?" I asked. "Not sure, I think he might convince him to join UA though." She responded, "How can you act so casually? You contacted the demon of UA" her response was only a shrug of her shoulders. 'Wait did she say Eraserhead? Chickensticks he's going to kidnap him, isn't he? Oh well..' I was defeated for the day.

|Word Count: 680|

(A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter. Also, I feel like Hawks would replace swear words with weird words like "chicken strips" but that might just be me XD)

(A/N: I'll be on my regular updating schedule next week ^^)

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