11)"Home" lIfe

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(A/N: Sorry for the late update! I'll post the next one soon.

Bit of a Profanity warning! Other than that enjoy! ^^)

3rd POV

Sunday, Around 07:00(AM)

A loud sound of glass crashing could be heard coming from the Midoryia household. Time seemed to slow down when Izuku shot up from his sleep startled by the loud noise, he looked around frantically around his hero-merch-covered room for a few seconds before taking a deep inhale & exhale that came out more like a relieved sigh. 

He learned to be a light sleeper to ensure he was safe. Another loud crash sounded in the halls of his small house, which startled him a bit, but not as much as the first one. He looked over at his alarm clock, it read 07:27(AM) in bright green. He used to have an All Might one but his dad broke that, apparently, it was too annoying. "Fuck it's too early I went to sleep 2 hours ago.." he mumbled, barely audible. There were a few other crashes in the background, but he knew exactly what it was; let's just say Hisashi has some anger issues.

He sighed, not even trying to go back to sleep seeing as plates, cups, bottles, etc. were being shattered every minute or so. Makes him wonder how he can afford new things.

He took his phone off the dresser and checked the notifications and started scrolling

'New theories... more All Might quirk guesses... Rare hero photos... Oh. What's this?'

The title read "New footage of Eraserhead" by a user that doesn't post a lot. And when they do it's not about underground heroes. Curious, he pressed play and watched the video. It was spot-on footage of Eraserhead capturing some pretty high-level villains. Knowing Eraserhead he'd probably take it down soon. So he pressed 'download' and got his notebook to start analyzing.

Time-Skip: 1 hour later(08:30ish)

Izuku POV

It didn't take me that long to write stuff down about the villains. But there wasn't much to write down about Eraserhead since I already have basically an entire book dedicated to him... it didn't actually take an hour to write stuff down, most of that was editing, organizing, and reviewing my notes. But hey, Hasashi stopped throwing stuff. It's still the weekend so I don't think he went to work but he definitely went somewhere. I chuckled to myself. 'Maybe he's buying back the things he broke. I wonder if the video was taken down.'

I clicked back on the post and to my surprise, it's still up. Maybe it's cause it only has around 1k views and most of the comments are asking what hero that is. 'Idiots'  I think. I'm pretty bored at the moment, maybe I could do something interesting? 'Oh! I could see what channels I can hack into and listen to. Definitely not illegal. Definitely.' with that I pulled out my laptop and started to hack into the local Musutafu district channel.

With just 3 minutes of hacking, I could hear heroes communicating with each other via earpiece. 'That was... dangerously easy.' Besides the fact that I only used my basic hacking skills and I already was able to hear the heroes' plans... their security is decent. "Death arms, I need you at..." A local hero said which brought my attention back to the comms. 'Seems like a new villain' I thought as I opened the live news channel and muted it. I've always liked it better to visually see what's happening while only listening to the heroes communicate with each other.

How long have I been doing this? A few years... what? No, I totally didn't learn the codes that use to communicate with each other... what are you talking about?

2 hours ago - 3rd POV

Eraserhead usually sleeps for a couple of hours in the mornings since he would've just gotten back from a patrol around 4 o'clock at night or technically in the morning. But sometimes when he gets back earlier he wakes up at a "normal" time in the morning and goes on a quick patrol or run. Since limelight heroes usually start their shifts around the early afternoon. Since he had a decently peaceful patrol, he was able to get back only around 02:15(AM). His cats Kuromai, an ash & black female cat (their name translates to black rice), and Yuuma, a white calico cat (their name translates to leisurely) had woken him instead of his husband to feed them at 06:30(AM). So he got a decent... (barely) 4 and a half hours of sleep. Yay...! He'd probably take a nap later in the day anyway.

He got ready to go on a small patrol(making a coffee first of course). And most likely to be around the kid- er Izuku's house. Since he was supposed to look keep an eye on him, or something. He sighed before leaving the house and starting a patrol.

Eraserhead POV

I was reaching the end of my patrol. I was a few feet away from Izuku's house when I heard a loud crash coming from his house, which was then followed by another loud crash. It sounded like glass. But not window glass. I hoped that he was okay. I decided to look through one of the windows of the house. I saw a white-haired, tall man breaking plates & cups. 'So.. not a good sign.' I searched for the kid but didn't see him. I went to the back of the house, maybe his room had a window. And had a window it did.

When I got to what I assumed was his room, there was a small window that wasn't blocked by blinds, surprisingly. Keeping his presence concealed I looked through the window.

I saw the kid looking at his phone, seemingly unbothered with a bored yet slightly annoyed expression. I assume something interested him because he made a curious expression and was fiddling with his phone a bit more. He must've selected something because he grabbed his notebook that was on his nightstand and started writing something down while watching. I wasn't really in the best position to see what he was writing, or watching for that matter. But I was just glad that the kid was safe. Well, not harmed for now. Though I wonder if he had eaten anything yet. 

I decided with probably not, since his 'dad' is breaking stuff in the kitchen right now... at least now I know what he looks like. Right as I was about to leave I was able to glance at the video he was watching. Although I didn't understand what was happening because he kept rewinding and unwinding it, as well as pausing at random times to write stuff down.

'It looks like he's analyzing villains, they look- wait hold on is that me? Oh, it is. How did he get that footage? I swear that Nezu was taking it down. Maybe it was too early in the morning.'

'I wonder where he even found that.'

|Word Count: 1160|

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^)

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