8)Time to head "Home"

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(A/N: This chapter is going to be darker compared to the others)

3rd Person POV

Hawks knew he couldn't keep Izuku here forever, although he wanted to until he knew more about his home life. Even though the Healer had told Hawks she had 'already dealt with it.' Hawks still wondered what that even meant. But he brushed it off and walked towards Izuku, who was sitting on the bed watching the news and scribbling in his notebook, probably analyzing a new villain fight. 

Izuku paused the video when he saw hawks walk up to him, pick up his bag, and set it on the bed. He looked up at Hawk's confused, "Huh?" he asked Hawks. He paused for a second, thinking of the best way to say this. "We can't really keep you here any longer, since that would be kidnapping." He said in a laid-back tone "I wish you could stay longer but I don't really want to be arrested for kidnapping," he chuckled. "Ah okay." Izuku responded, he was kinda disappointed but started to pack up his stuff anyway.

Izuku POV

'I wonder if he'll just let me walk alone, I doubt it but maybe' I sighed, that wasn't likely. Remembering that Hawks was still in the room with me, I turned to look at him. Fortunately for me, he didn't hear my sigh and was talking to the Healer. 'I realized she never really gave me her name.. 'I mean I wouldn't want to give my name to a Quirkless Deku either.' it took me a bit to notice, but Hawks walked up to me and asked me a question, which I didn't hear. 

'Wow Deku, you can't even pay attention?'

'Ah, It's back again. I should be glad it was silent for a while.' I always had these negative voices in my head, I'm not really that special. Other people have it too, though sometimes it sounds like me and sometimes it sounds like Bakugo. I hated even thinking about him.

'Are you trying to ignore me huh? You-'

"Izuku?" the thoughts got stopped when I remembered Hawks was asking me something before. "Ye-" I cut off when I realized 'I never gave him my name...' Hawks looked at me confused since I stopped in the middle of my sentence. "How do you know my name? I don't remember telling you it," "Ah, your note, Feathers." He responded I mentally face-palmed myself again.

'Pfft, even he thinks you're an idiot.'

"E-eh that was a s-stupid question, sorry" 'Ugh my stutter also came back, oh well.' "Nah! It's fine birdie!" Hawks said "Ok, if you get to call me nicknames I get to call you nicknames" I told Hawks, a smirk almost forming on my face. Hawks just paused for a second before responding to me "Alright Birdie! Whatcha got?" the smirk finally forming on my face "Well, since you have like 4 nicknames for me, I came up with a few" Hawks could probably tell by my face that these nicknames are going to be interesting.

 I opened the notebook that was still in my hand and opened it to a page. "Ok, so, the ones I have are..." I start the smirk not leaving my face. "Let's see, we have; Chicken/Rooster, Bird-" Hawks cut me off, "Just bird? Like that's it?" "Yes." I responded and continued, clearing my throat "Cannibal, Chicken Nugget Thief, Chicken Nugget Addict, aaannnndd that's the only interesting ones." I finished looked up at Hawks, he looked a combination of confused & slightly amused? I couldn't really tell. But his face was funny,  had to stifle a laugh. "Huh, you have interesting nicknames Feathers" was all he said, probably still processing what he heard.

'What're you so happy about huh? It's not like you even deserve it. Useless Deku'

My smile started to fall a bit, but It wasn't that noticeable.

"Welp, unfortunately It's time to take you home little Birdie!" I looked up at Hawks and responded "Alright!" I said in a cheerful tone, or as cheerful as I could make it while packing up my last notebook. I realized the letter wasn't there, but I ignored it 'I could always make another one I suppose.'

Time-skip - A few minutes later, around 11:20(AM)

I was currently walking "home". I was too lost in thought to notice that someone was trailing me. Surprisingly Hawks only gave me his feather, and trusted me enough to walk home alone. I didn't try anything, although I wanted to. 'Cause if I did, the feather would stop me so no use in trying. My body language and posture changed, I was really nervous about going back home. My shoulders were slumped, and I tried staying as small as I could. 'Why am I so nervous? Dad doesn't even hit me. ...Okay maybe a few times but it was my fault, I angered him. I Should be glad he hasn't kicked me out and is still giving me money to buy food for myself.'

Quick switch to 3rd person POV

Izuku's dad was rarely home, and when he was, he would ignore Izuku besides leaving some money on the counter. Izuku has only been hit a few times, but not often. Eraserhead, (who was trailing Izuku) noticed Izuku's body language changed a lot, like he was hiding, or trying to look as non-threatening as possible. He recognized the signs of abuse, rather at home or at school, he's worked with a lot of kids. Enough that he notices when somethings wrong, he also is an underground hero, giving him great perception and taking in details so people wouldn't be able to attack him by surprise. He was generally worried for the kid. 

Izuku kept on walking to his house, Aizawa following concealed behind. A few minutes later, Izuku stopped walking and looked at a house to his right. It was a 20 minute walk away from the busy city, to a slightly more suburban area, it seemed to be a slightly smaller house, with 1 floor. Breathing a sigh, Izuku started to walk into the house cautiously, seemingly assessing the situation. After a few seconds Izuku breathed a relieved sigh and shut the front door quietly, walking into his house. 

Anyone could tell that this wasn't a normal response from a normal kid entering their household.

|Word Count: 1054 |

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D)

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