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(A/N: Hello! I'm back! Just a quick TW for this chapter :)
Described Selective Mutism,
Mention Of Abuse
Dissociation/Slight Derealization
Stay safe! ^^)


3rd POV

Izuku still didn't register anything still.

It felt like his mind just decided to leave his body.

He had his eyes open, but couldn't see.

His ears weren't blocked but he couldn't hear.

Like he was in some void,

it was almost peaceful.

Peace. That was an emotion that Izuku didn't know he could even feel.

Wait what time is it?

Although he couldn't feel anything, his mind still stirred. He could still feel vibrations, albeit very lightly. But enough that he was able to register someone... hopping? Walking? Jumping? He didn't know, on the rooftop he was sitting on. He could feel the ..thing? Person? He still doesn't know. Walking towards him. He feels them get lower to the ground and touch his shoulder, though he doesn't react. Maybe that's concerning, but he doesn't have the energy to care.


Eraserhead/3rd POV

Eraserhead started his patrol when he usually does, his 'tight' patrol times of 'sometime around 23: to 00:' (11 pm-12 am). He did have a more minor patrol in the early morning, so he was planning on doing a shorter patrol. He messaged Izuku after he got back from his small morning patrol, but he hasn't read nor answered him. Which was pretty concerning but he brushed it off for now. He walked out his door after downing 2 cups of coffee and started his nightly patrol.

Time skip - A few minutes later

His patrol went as usual, stopping a few thieves, muggers, and other minor crimes that he came across. It was a pretty boring patrol if he was being honest. Or it was until he saw something on the roof of a decently tall building.

Being an underground hero gave him the perks of seeing a few too many shoes on rooftops that you don't take any chances. So he jumps from rooftop to rooftop, making his way to the building, hoping that it was just nothing.

As he came closer to whatever was on the roof of the building, the person came into view. He kept jumping and using his capture weapon from time to time to make it across buildings until he was around 2 meters(6.5 feet) away from the person-- wait no that's a kid. Shota cursed under his breath before landing on the rooftop, making sure not to hide his presence.

No reaction. That was most likely normal, either he didn't hear him or they just didn't care. Shota walked at a steady pace toward the kid, he recognized him pretty quickly. His green hair and red shoes make it pretty obvious. Still, no reaction, which is strange.

"Kid?" he asked. No response or reaction. "Jesus this kid is a walking red flag at this point," Shota said under his breath, sighing. "Kid." He said a bit louder. The kid still had no response. He kneeled down next to him, on the other side of the kid was his backpack.

He tried to get a good look at his face, his expression was blank. He waved a hand in front of the kids face, no reaction. Eraserhead sighed, he hesitated before gently putting his hand on the kids shoulder. He talked to the kid, prompting him to speak. He just has to be patient and wait, there was no way he's leaving this kid like this.

Izuku/3rd POV

He could faintly hear a noise.. it sounded like someone was.. speaking? But who where they speaking to?

It took him a few minutes, but he finally realized

'Oh, they're speaking to.. me'

The voice never stopped, he couldn't ignore it anymore and without him knowing it, was starting to focus on the sound. At first, he could only make out slight words.


He was confused, so he tried to focus on what they were telling him.

It took him a few minutes, but he could finally hear what the person was saying to him, however that's also when he noticed how cold it was.

He blinked and looked beside him, where the person was. He could the person but his brain wasn't registering what he was seeing. "You back with me kid?" Izuku tried to speak, but nothing came out. He closed his mouth and tried to speak again, but nothing. Defeated, he settled on nodding slightly. "Do you know what time it is?" The person— or man as it sounded like, spoke.

Izuku was confused for a moment and his brows furrowed to think. 'Let's see.. what was I doing before? Oh uh... school right.. but then..?' He looked around for a moment. The man was patient and simply watched Izuku gather his thoughts. 'Oh.. it's dark? When did...' He looked back at the man, actually realizing who it was, Eraserhead. If this had been any other situation, Izuku would either be, 1. Fanboying or 2. Dying from embarrassment.

Izuku, not trusting his voice, shook his head. "Ok. That's okay. It's around 01:00(1 am)." His voice didn't sound upset or angry, which was a surprise because he rarely ever hears that tone from anyone. He hummed in response "mh."

They waited in slight uncomfortable silence before Eraserhead decided to break it. "Can you talk kid?" Izuku opened his mouth to speak, but speaking felt like swallowing glass so he just closed his mouth and signed "no" It was a bit shaky, he couldn't tell if it was because oh how cold it was or his nerves. Hopefully Eraserhead knew JSL. To his surprise, Eraserhead responded in sign, "That's alright kid. Do you have somewhere safe to stay?" He thought about his question for a moment. 'safe. Was his home safe? Even if I tried to go home it's really late so I'd risk waking him up' Izuku sighed "Not really" he signed. "What do you mean?" Eraserhead signed back.

Izuku hesitated before responding "I'm— I mean I don't get hit or anything..." and trailed off. "Would you be okay staying with me kid? It can just be for tonight, of you don't want to that's perfectly fine and I understand" Eraserhead spoke this time, but it was probably so Izuku could hear the softness of his voice that told Izuku to listen to him, that Eraserhead would keep him safe Izuku thought about it for a moment, listing all the pros and cons. Typical Izuku thought process.

He sighed in defeat of himself after thinking for a while, and shakily sighed "Ok." Eraserhead hummed in response standing up, he held a hand for Izuku to take, and he hesitantly took it and was helped up. "Do you want me to take you bag?" Izuku immediately shook his head. 'He's already helping me so much!' Izuku picked up his backpack and looked back at Eraser. "My place is about 4km(around 2 miles) away from here. We can walk there or I can wrap you on my scarf and roof jump with you to get there quicker."

'Roof jumping? Sounds uh.. interesting but maybe not for me. But then again I would be bothering him way more than I already am! Ugh Izuku pick!' He must've taken too long to answer, because Eraser ended up choosing for him and wrapped him up in his capture weapon and was basically clinging onto Eraserhead for dear life. He made a small 'eep!' when he was caught off guard. He was scared at first but after a bit it was kind of.. calming.

He doesn't remember when he fell asleep or got to Eraserhead's place, but that's a problem for future him. He has done enough thinking for today.

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Also please tell me if I described anything wrong, I don't have any personal experiences with these things so tell me if I'm wrong about anything.
Also, Thank you guys so much for 3.14k reads! It means so much to me so thank you ^^ )

|Word Count: 1356|


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