3)Hawks Agency

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Izuku's Dream/Flashback

(A/N TW for this chapter: Bullying)

The bell had just rung, and I was picking up my stuff and putting it in my backpack. I hated the teachers as much as I hated this school. The teacher announced I was planning on going to UA in front of everyone, it was so embarrassing. Everyone including the teacher had a fair share of insults to throw at me. I was getting ready to leave, that was until I heard a certain someone call my 'name'. 

"Hey Deku!" 'Oh great.' "Yes, Kacchan?" I responded not wanting to look at him. "Oi! It's rude not to look at someone when they're speaking to you, nerd!" "YeahDekuu!" One of his 'friends' said 'if anything they're more like his henchmen' He slammed his hand down on my desk, creating a small explosion with his hands. "Oi!" I slowly looked at him, I still had my notebook in my hand. "Sorry, Kacchan." 'I doubt this will make him go away but oh well.' "Tch" was all he said before grabbing my notebook. 'No, not that one. I only have a few more pages till it's finished! Welp.' "Stop calling me Kacchan." He said while putting his hands together with the notebook in between and creating an explosion that wrecked the notebook. I tried grabbing it back, only to be kicked back by him. "Pfft. You want this? Too bad." he threw the notebook out of the window behind him, and  I ran over to look to see where it had landed. '..gee the world really likes me today.' The notebook missed the nice solid, dry cement and landed in the water fountain. "You still want to be a hero huhDekuu?" I looked at him "W-well.. I may not have a quirk but I can still try.." they laughed at me and Kacchan put his hand on my shoulder making an explosion, burning my skin. 'Oww..that's gonna leave a mark..' I was looking at the floor, holding back my tears. They started to head towards the door when they stopped close to the door frame. "You know if you really wanna be a hero that bad there might be another way" '..where is this going?' This caught my attention and I looked back at them,

《★~ TW: Bullying, suicide baiting. feel free to skip over this part ~★》

"Just pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of a building!"

《★~ TW end ~★》

His henchmen started laughing while leaving the classroom and I was just frozen. I started to cry but quickly wiped off my tears and started to head to get my notebook. 'Why would kacc— no I'm not calling him that anymore. I'm done with him. Why would Bakugo say that? I knew he was bad but... I guess I didn't think he would go that far...'

Izuku POV

Around 2 hours later; Real-time

03:20| 3:20 AM

I slowly started to open my eyes as I regained consciousness. I must've been crying though because when I woke up there were fresh tear stains on my cheeks 'Where am I?' I thought looking around the room. 'I think I'm in some sort of hospital? No, it's too small to be a hospital' I was on a bed with curtains to the left and right of me, as well as one in the middle probably to close off for privacy. The only lighting was the monitor I was hooked up too. 'Wait.. where was I last?' I started to remember what happened before. "Oh, right. So if Hawks found me then maybe I'm in his agency? I heard there's a small infirmary in his since it's pretty far away from the hospital. I wonder if I should look around... oh wait is there even anyone here?.." 

I didn't realize I was muttering or that someone had entered the room I was in. "You awake now?" I looked up to see Hawks. I got even more confused when I saw what he was holding 'Is that.. a bucket of chicken..? This pro is soo weird.. oh! I should write this down in my notebook about him!' "You're in my agency by the way." I wasn't in a very talkative mood at the moment, so I just responded with a quick "Oh..okay." Hawks seemed unfazed which was kinda nice, I looked around for my stuff and saw it in a corner next to me. "Can I get my stuff?" "Sure" hawks responded, going back to eat his chicken. 

'Cannibal' I thought as I grabbed my notebook labeled No.10, which was covered with solely pro-hero Hawks. It had a very detailed analysis as well as his quirks, strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, etc. now, I wasn't stupid and knew that if this got into the wrong hands it would be very bad. So I'm fluent in my own code, the only thing that wasn't written in code was the label, Hawk's pro hero name,e, and birthday. I grabbed my backpack too and sat back down on the bed, placing my backpack on the floor next to it for easy access. I grabbed a pen and started noting things about hawks. 'Let's see..what haven't I covered yet..apparently he loves chicken so I can cross that rumor off as true, as well as the infirmary he has here, hm what else..' I was so invested in writing that I didn't notice Hawks reading over my shoulder 

"Who the heck has time to re-write everything in code?" It startled me a bit, I looked back at him "Oh, I don't re-write it. I write everything in code." He just stared at me for a few seconds, it was kinda like his brain just crashed. "You, little bird are impressively smart." "Uh.. thanks?" I didn't really know how to answer this. "What time is it?" "4:20AM / 04:20" 'It's pretty late.. oh well the longer away from home the merrier.' "My healer said you need to rest, so go back to sleep." 'Well, I am kinda tired... alright fine last and only time I'm doing this.' "Fine." And with that,t I put my notebook back in my backpack and drifted off into sleep.

|Word Count: 1043|
(AN: I helped edit this -My coolest friend


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