I was sent to help obi wan and quigon to talk to the vicroy of the trade federation little did we know they want to invade naboo so we decided to go to naboo on the ship as I was being shot at by droids. Obiwan and I saw quigon with what looks like a gungan with him.

"What's this?" Obiwan asked.

"A local" quigon said "let's get out of here. Before more droids show up"

We started walking before noticing the gungan was following us.

"Ex squeeze me, but de mostest safest place would be gunga city is where I grew up. Tis a hidden city."

We stopped to face him "a city?" Qui gon asked "can you take us there"

The gungan hesitate "on second thought no. 'Tis embarrassing, my afraid my've been banished. My forgotten da bosses would do terrible tings to me if me goen back ther"

I heard a rumbling sound which gave me and idea "you hear that?" I asked.


"That is the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way" i said walking to him.

"If they find us they will crush us grind us into tiny peices and blast us into oblivion" Obiwan add

"Yousa point is well seen this way hurry" the gungan said taking us to a lake to the city where we we're unfortunately not welcomed.

Then we went to rescue the naboo senator but the ship broke making us land on tattooine.

There quigon found a force sensitive boy and wants to train him to be a Jedi.

Later we brought him to court to become a Jedi before we had to save naboo from invasion with the help of gungans but unfortunately master quigon was killed by the Sith.

Not Obiwan will train the boy he gave his late masters word.

And I'll be there to help.

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