A while later I ran on the ship to see Ahsoka and rex standing there as they looked at me.

It's been a long time since I saw Ahsoka. We ran up to each other and hugged.

"It's good to see you again Ahsoka" I said.

"You too zev"she said breaking the hug.

"I heard you two are heading to mandalore" I said.

"Yeah to kidnap a Sith named mail" rex said.

"Well I hope that goes well and good luck" I said.Ahsoka nods as she leave and rex stays and walks up to me. "Well guess this is it"

"Yeah" he said "you and I both know it wouldn't be fun without you"

"Totally" I chuckled puching his chest plate. "Good luck rex don't have too much fun though"

He chuckled before leaving I waved and went to go on another mission.

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now