It's been at least ten years since Obiwan agreed to take Anakin as his own padawan. There's been some ups and downs with both of them.

But for now it's different Anakin is going on his first duty alone to protect the naboo senator. And Obiwan asked me to come with him to the planet kamino.

And apparently we were expected. And one of the kamainoans takes us to the prime minister.

"May I present lama suu prime minister of kamino" the female kaminoan introduced "and these are master Jedis—"

"Obi wan kenobi"

"And zev"

"I trust you're both going to enjoy your stay"  the prime minister said as he gave us both a seat. "And now to business. You will be delighted to hear that we we're on schedule. 200,000 units are ready with a million more on the way"

Obiwan and I looked at each other before looking back at the prime minister "that's good news" I said.

"Please tell your master sifo-dyas that his order will be met on time"

"Im sorry master" Obiwan said in confusion.

"Jedi master sifo-dyas is still leading member of the Jedi council is he not?" He asked.

"Master sifo-dyas was killed almost ten years ago" I said to him.

"Oh im sorry to hear that it im sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him a clone army is one of the finest we've ever created"

"Tell us prime minister when our master contacted you about the army. Did he say who it was for?" Obiwan asked.

"Of course he did this army is for the republic but you both must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself"

"That's why we're here" I said as we stood up and walked around to see the place all built in a certain way. "Very impressive"

"I'd hoped you would be pleased" lama suu said. "Clones can think creatively you will find that they are immensely superior to droids we take great pride in our combat education and training programs this group was created about five years ago" he points at the young clones doing some sort of studying.

"You mentioned growth acceleration" Obiwan said.

"Oh yes it's essential otherwise a mature clone would make a lifetime to grow now we can do it in half the time"

"I see" I said looking at the next clone who were eating.

"They are totally obedient taking an order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host" lama su explained.

"And who was the original host?" OBIWAN asked.

"A bounty Hunter called jango fett"

"And where is this bounty Hunter now?"

"Oh we keep him here. A part from his pay which is considerable fett demanded only one thing an unaltered clone for himself curious isn't it"

"Unaltered?" I asked.

"Pure genetic replication no tampering with the structure to make it more docile and no growth acceleration"

I looked at Obiwan with the idea to meet this jango fett luckily the female kaminoan was happy to arrange it for us.

We got to the door to meet the bounty Hunter Obiwan and I believe he's possibly part of the plot to assassinate the naboo senator Padamé.

The door opens to reveal a boy who's a clone. The female asked if jango was him and we could see him and he agreed and we got to see the bounty hunter himself.

"Jango welcome back was your trip productive?" She asked.

"Fairly" he said.

"This is Jedi masters OBIWAN kenobi and zev they come to check on our progress."

"Your clones are impressive you must be very proud" I said.

"I'm just a simple man making his way in the universe" he saidThen OBIWAN started questioning him about stuff as for jango I'm not sure if he's trying to hide something or unclear. "Do you like your army?" Jango asks me.

"I look forward to seeing them in action" I said.

"They'll do their job well I'll garnered that"

"Thank you for your time jango" I bowed.

"Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi" he said before we leave.

"I have a bad feeling about him" I wispered to Obiwan.

"I agree" he said.

Something is not right at all.

After the quick tour it was our time to leave "tell your council that the first battalions are ready "the female kaminoan said escorting is out. "If they need more troops it will take more time to grow them."

"We won't forget and thank you" I said before leaving in the rain.

Before that we made a report on the council about the kaminoans and jango fett and what's going on. And told us to bring jango to corusant for questioning.

"Catching him won't be easy" Obiwan said to me.I nod in agreements.

We try to get to him as he was plan on leaving. We fought him off  as he escaped and we followed him to notice he was going to geonosis.

We sneaked in to see dooku and the other ememies forming a group called the separatists.

Then we head back to the ship to contact the council but it was too far so we tried to contact Anakin.

"Anakin do you copy" obi wan said no answer "he's not on naboo zev."

"That's odd try widening the range" I told him.

He nods as he goes to check the tracking signal "that's him all right by it's coming from tattooine"

"What's he doing a tattooine" I asked

"We'll might as well leave him a message" he said as he was sending a message before out of nowhere a bunch of droids came.

About days later being held prisoner Obiwan and I were chained to a pole it some Sort of sacrifice or something.

"Obiwan..."  I call his name.

"Don't worry zev we'll figure out a way to get out of here"

And we did when Anakin and padame found us and rescued us and the Jedi then clones came along and the clone wars began.

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now