I woke up what looks to be in a cell with obi wand "what happened?" I asked.

"I guess the pirate brew was tronger than I thought" he said.

"I only took a sip"

"We we're drugged obviously"

"Why would they risk losing the randon?"

"The deal appears to have changed they must be trying to triple their payday"

"A shrewd observation master kenobi" we turned to see dooku in the cell with us. "I did warn you these pirates were devious our shackles are bound together. I have tried to separate us.. to no avail"

"It's bad enough we have to be in the same cell but could you at least spare me the sound of your constant chatter?" I asked.

"And while I hold my tongue the two of you will devises brilliant stratagu for getting us this god forsaken planet"

"Yes" Obiwan and I said at the same time.

We had no choice but to work together until he tricked us and jar jar came to rescue us.

"Jedi" said Hondo "after all of this you're just gonna walk away?"

"We have no quarrel with you and we seek no revenge" Obiwan said "dooku does not share the same sense of honour and he knows where you live"

We went on the ship and left them.

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now