After I ran away, I head to the city so nobody I knew would find me. I wasn't sure who to trust. Until I know who will.

I tunred on my comlink and called a friend "Barris, it's zev".

"Zev I'm so glad you're safe" she sounded relieved.

"Safe but on the run."


"Can't tell you,but someone is definitely trying to frame me."

"It's not safe for you to call me using the Jedi communicator. Find another way to contact me."

"I will"

"In the mean tim I'll do some digging and see if I can find anything out to help you on my end"

I sighed "thank you barris"

"Be safe"

I hung up and saw a man with a cloak I walked up to him as he sees me "hey buddy, you hungry?"

He nods "yeah"

"Let's make a trade"

I gave him the food as he takes and looks at me "what do you want?"

"Your cloak." Then he takes off his cloak and gives it to me "thank you"

Then I walked to the train and saw the bunch of men asking for passes I faced the door to leave for my next stop. When I was about to leave there was more of them and they noticed me.

"That's her the rogue Jedi"

I use my powers to stop them and ran across the train to get away from them as I open the door and left the train. And ran off when I saw more.

I ran to the elevator as they try to shoot at me but hit the button. "Uh- oh" the drop down. I turned to see the kid with me and he was scared. "Don't worry little guys, I'll get us out of this. I'll think of something" then i looked up "maybe I can cut a hole on the roof. I jumped up and summoned my lightsaber and tried to put a whole through it. But suddenly the elevator stops which made me fall on the floor. I looked to the kid as he points at the buttons. "I gues I'm not exactly on my game these days." I got up and put w hole through the windo then I picked up the kid and jumped out. Then I put him dow and. Reunite him with his mama "thanks kid I owe you one."

Then I leave to put the hood back on and started walking in the alley. I sensed that someone was following me I turned around and they kicked me and put their lightsaber a around my neck.

"Well we'll I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but I guess it's true, the senates put a bounty on you horned little head." Then they take of their mask reaveals ventress what a sight to see these days "and I'm going to be the one who collects"

"Ventress it was you wasn't it? You were behind all of this, the one who betrayed me." I told her.

"I don't in what you're talking about" she says calmly

"Yes you do. So what are you now, a bounty hunter?"

"Yes, and someone who knows how to make easy money" he forces me to stand up and walk.

"You think you're just gonna hand me over? An then what get a pat on your shoulder?" I asked her. "You're a separatist war criminal and a sith, they'll have us both in prison before you said your name"

"I Don't have to hand you over to the Jedi." Ventress tell me "I can hand you over to the bondsman and still get paid. I'm gonna get my money wether you're dead or alive.

I chuckled sarcastically and glared at her "good luck. Despite what you hear I'm still a Jedi."

"I'm afraid the other Jedi no longer see it that way."

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now