I was sent by the council to go find zero with a Jedi named quinlon Vos that Jedi is crazy.

"Hey zev" he waved "you looks gorgeous"

"Flirt later we have business to discuss" i said "ziro the hutt has broken out during a hostage takeover"

"Yeah I read the briefing on that mess" he said.

"I suspect Jabba the Hutt is behind this he still has it out for ziro over the kidnapping of his son"

"We'll, my information indicates that ziro has damaging evidence against the Hutt council. My guess is they've taken him to the hutt home planet nal hutta" he explained.

"As for this bounty Hunter cad bane we must capture and return both he and his quarry ziro to the courts. I trust you and I can keep eyes forward in this common goal?" I asked

"No problem I owe bane one anyway I'll fly you're my coplilot" I knew he'd say that I hate his flying.

Later we went to nal hutts and met up with the hutts "how goes the war jedi?"  A hutt name gardulla asked in their language.

"Great gardulla" I spoke. "We bring unfortunate news ziro the hutt has escaped our custody with the aid of the bounty Hunter cad bane."

"I already know this Jedi knights"

"I'm beginning to think you're the ones who broke him out" quinlon said.

"And why would the great hutt families do such a thing?"

"That's what I'd like to know"

I touched his shoulder "quinlan the hutts are our allies" i said to him.

"You are lucky to be with a Jedi as wise as zev or you might not be allowed to leave here alive"

Quinlan puts down a cup "maybe next time I'll come alone"

Which gave me a thought before saying "We only came to deliver the message we should be leaving now" then we turned to leave.

"Ziro was here" quinlan wispered "he was holding one of those cups"

"Nice work" I said as we went to the cells to see no ziro "Vos ziro escaped"

"I think he had help"

"We best hurry"

Then we went to track him around the planet we met his mother and he's being hunted down by bane and he's headed for teth.

We went to see it was too late ziro was killed.

"Who could have done this?" I asked.

Then we heard footsteps revealing bane "looked like we're both too late for the party" he said.

"So this is not your handy work" I asked pointing at zeros body.

"No I wouldn't have made such a sloppy kill. Doesn't seem like much sense hanging around here or making any trouble between us"

"Are you forgetting how you help the senate hostage. I may not be capturing zero but you are going to prison"
Then we started to fight him until he escaped.

"We'll he's gone" quinlan said.

"I never did enjoy hanging out with you" i said making smirk.

Time to drop the bad news.

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now