After a while on joining the bad batch. I had a great time with them and omega I know she's a defector clone hunter told me. Something so special about her I don't know what yet I've grown fond of he. I noticed tech was putting something on omega he kneels to her level as he put the comm on her but made it tight so she doesn't loose it "it's not an exact fit"

"I get my own comm device?" she asked.

"Technically it was Crosshairs but he doesn't appear to need it" tech said to her.

Omega turns on the comm "echo, what's you position over" she asked him not noticing echos behind her.

Echo clears his throat to get her attention "it's not a toy omega"

"He's right" I told her as tech stars tweaking on the comm in her arm.

""Why are we going to ord mantell I thought the plan was to lay low" she asked.

"Not while the bounty Hunters after you we need to find out why" hunter said.

"I know an informant there named cid who might be able to help" echo.

"You trust him" wrecker asked.

"The Jedi trusted him"

"Jedi who are all dead" tech saidz

"Well, anyone have better options?" Echo asked.

"Not really" I answered "but just to warn you I actually know cid and let's just say we don't get along"

"How many people do you know?" Hunter asked in confusion.

I shrugged "Inside the republic a few, outside the republic too many to count"

We got the the planet in a small town to find cid. "remember the rules?" Hunter asked omega.

"Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad" omega said.

"And if you get into trouble?" Echo asked her

"Use my comm and give my location"

we head in the bar and saw the lizard looking female.

She turns to see us well mostly me there. "Lyric, what are you doing here?" She said.

"Hey cid" I said with a fake smile on my face "it's been a while"

"That's cid?" Echo asked.

"I thought you knew them too"tech said to echo.

"I only know the name"

"What is is you want this time zev cid asked.

We all went to another room so we can talk privately "I had a good thing going with the Jedi" cid said "they valued my insights, but now they're all dead the demand for my service was declined thanks to this new empire"

"Times have changed for all of us" hunter said.

"No kidding" said cid "I never had clones deserters come to me before"

"Yes we'll we separated due to a fundamental difference in ideology" tech said.

"That's cute you thinking I care cut to it and tell me what you want" she said.

I looked to echo as he goes to the tables to reveal a picture of fennic "this is fennic was chasing after us for some reason"

"Okay what is it you know about her so far?" Cid asked.

I sighed "she and I used to date a long time ago we also went on mercenary missions together. After that she found out I was part of the republic I broke us up. Thank god. She was very very...." I lookedto omega the cover my mouth at the sid so she doesn't see what I have to say as I mout to sid 'bitchy' Cid nods in my understanding.

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now