We were in a middle of a battle, first we thought those droids were gone but it turns out there's still more of them.

"THEY'RE BACK!" I shouted as obi wan and Anakin ran up to me. They're eyes widened in shock. Then i faced face Anakin "I told you victory was too easy. We never should have sent the ship back for supplies."

"It wasn't my idea to send the ship back" Anakin said 

"Alright men," obi wan said you the troopers "second wave incoming"

I turned to our captain "Rex, you and your men follow me and Anakin" I ordered

We all ran to find a place to destroy the tinnier once we found the place above them. The reason Anakin and I have the same squad is because we're partners since I came back to fight  and for that it's incase he dies I take over. But I enjoy Anakin he's a good friend and a Good general.

"What's our plan to attack sir?" Rex asked Anakin and Myself

"Follow us." Anakin answers as he jumps to a droid then I followed on a different droid and block the funnies aims as the others troopers attack.

Then Anakin and I started destroying the giant ships in front of us. I jumped off as the giant droid I destroyed falls. I ran to obi wan "we're gonna need reinforcements" I told him blocking every blast with my saber.

"We haven't been able to get through the admiral." He tells me.

We watched the droids shooting at us until for some reason they began to pull back. "They're pulling back" Anakin said running to us.

Then We looked up and saw a republic ship "looks like help has arrived" I told them as we started to walk to the ship.

"Our cruiser must be back." Obi wan said

"Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements." Anakin adds

"Then it looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps they brought obi obiwan's new Padawan with them" I sid looking at obi wan and he nods.

"You really think it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all this?" Anankin asked in concern.

"I spoke to master yoda about it." Obiwan said "you shou put in a request for one. You would make good teachers."

Anakin chuckled "no thanks"

"Anakin,teaching is a privilege." I told him

"And it's part of a Jedi's responsibility to help train the next generation." Obi wan adds

"A Padawan would just slow me down" Anakin replies

As the ship doors open it show a female Jedi but she was different "a youngling?" I asked in confusion.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Anakin asked.

"I'm Ahsoka." She introduced herself "master yoda sent me. I was told to tell the three of you that you must get back to the Jedi temple immediately. There's an emergency."

"Well I Don't know if you noticed, but were in a bit of an emergency right here." I told her

"Yes our communications have been a bit unreliable but we've been calling for help." Obi want explained

"Master yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message." She tells us

Anakin sighed in frustration "oh, great. They don't even know we're in trouble."

"You can relay a signal through the cruisers that just dropped me off."


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