Well we had a funeral for the Jedi that has fallen since the explosion, it was a sad day for most.  Now letta wants to see me for some reason I don't know, possibly for some more information she might tell us. But I don't know.

I head to the prison to visit her. The guard noticed me as I spoke "I'm commander wise. Letta turmond requested to see me."

"A lot of innocent people died in that blast. Good job capturing her" he tells me then he turns to his men to scan me. "Leave your comlink and you lightsabers here." I did what he tells me as he takes me to see letta.

"What do you want letta?" I asked her as I walked in her cell.

"I was told if I ever needed help, you were the Jedi to contact." She tells me. As she looks at the guards in disgust.

"Give is a minute please" I order as they close the doors so I can talk to her "you don't have much time letta,so I suggest you get what ever you have to say off your chest."

"The idea of feeding jackar the nano- droids was not mine" she tells me.

"Why are you saying this now? Why didn't you reveal this before?"

"Because my life is in danger" she sits up "the person behind this will be able to get to me unless you know the truth"

"Huh? What's the truth?" I asked.

"A Jedi" she stand up "a Jedi showed me how to create the bomb and how to put the nano droids in."

It can't be a Jedi was involved."why would a Jedi do this?" I asked her in concern.

"There are some citizens of the republic, like myself. Who believe the Jedi order is not what it used to me. The Jedi have become warmongers. They became military weapons and they're killing when they should be keeping the peace. One of these Jedi agreed with us. One of you wanted to make a statement and was willam to attack your own order to do it."

I always knew the Jedi was becoming like soilders instead of peacekeepers. But the Jedi believed that we're not what we're be. "Who?"

"If you protect me, I will tell you, because it is obvious to me that I have been set up."

I walked up to her and touched her shoulders "letta you have to tell me who is behind this."

She looks up at me "it's—" the. Next thing happened she was not breathing and floating. Then she was dropped to the floor dead.

The guards open as they check on her "I don't know what happened" I told him.

"Commander she's dead" the guards tell their commander.

"I can't say I blame you commander But all the same, you're under arrest."

I put my hand up. I can't believe this is happening to me "I did not do this." 

It's been hours since my arrest, I waited for someone to talking to. Later the guards opened the doors to reveal tarkin.

I stood up and spoke "admiral tarkin, I don't know what happened, I went in the room to talk to Letta, and she said she was afraid of a Jedi." I explained

He holds lettas hat then trows it on the ground "you don't have to tell me anymore, commander zev."

"I don't?"

"No.There are recorders in every room." He shows me a hologram of me and her but with no sound "curiously, the sound isn't working on this one. It seems the Jedi she was afraid of was you."

"I did not kill that woman." I told him

"You were the only one there. I know that you were upset when this woman was taken into custody by the military."

"That means nothing."

"I bed to differ" he go up as close to me as possible.

"It was someone else, admiral, someone I didn't see"

"You know that is very difficult for me to believe." He tells me "this is a secure facility. We do not just have anyone running about and if there was someone else," he turns to face me "why did you not sense them?" Ge grabs my face as I hold back. The. He leaves me alone.

Why didn't I sense them?

I knew that anakin was here and wanting to see me, I sensesd him before but they wouldn't let me in.Later as I was gonna way my face I saw a key card.

"Anakin I knew you wouldn't let me down." I said to myself as I used the force to lift the key to open. As I was out I looked around to see if there was anything else "I wonder what you had planned." I ran in the hall and saw that the troopers were down. That's not good. I noticed my lightsaber and my comlink were on the floor as I picked them up and turn on my comlink "HELLO, who is this, why are you helping me."

Then a gaurd look at me and hits the alarm as I ran in the halls so no one chases me. They tried to close the doors on me but I made my way through. I saw three clone dead. I'm being set up I know it. I continue to run non stop until I heard anakin.

"Zev, it's me anakin, stop running."

I know he's trying to help me "you can't help me anakin. Someone's setting me up." I told him.

"I believe you zev"

"But no one else will." I told him as I continued running.

Later I got out of the prison but the troopers started to chase me everywhere I go sone stop. They even tried to shoot me. But I use two of my lightsaber to sto them.

I ran until they surrounded me then I saw anakin and Rex standing there in shocks. I don't want them to see me like this. I looked up and saw a pipe I jumped up and got in as I continued running.

I hid from the guards in the pips and anakin found me and chased after me.

I ran to the edge of the pipe that might be the way out. " zev ." I heard anakin shout "what are you doing?"

I turned to face him in anger "you didn't even try to come and help me."

"They wouldn't even let me in to talk to you." He tells me.

"You could have if you tried."

"How would that look zev, huh" anakin walks slowly "forcing my way in would've made you look even more guilty."

I scoffed "I'm not guilty."

"Then we have to prove you're innocent. The only way we can do that is by going back."

I looked down "I don't know who to trust."

"Listen." Anakin. Says trying to persuade me "I would never let anyone hurt you,zev . Never. But you need to come back. And make your case to  the council"

"No. I'm not going to take the fall for something I didn't do" I shouted.

"I'm ordering you to put down your lightsaber and come with me now! Trust me" his voice was soft and concerning.

He's my best friend all we do is trust each other we promised each other that since I became his partner "I do trust you. But you know as well as I do that no one else will believe." I turned to see a ship that will be my ticket out. I turned to face him "anakin, you have to trust me now."

"I do trust you."

I put my hand up for him to stop "I know you do." I turned around and sighed "wish me luck" I jumped to the ship. I looked up to see the others watch me escape. I didn't want to do this but I was left with no choice. "I'm sorry."

Star Wars the immortals: book of zevWhere stories live. Discover now