The Plan!

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Selene's living situation at this moment in time was unique, to say the least. It's not every day that you hear someone say that they live on a houseboat with their uncle and 3 younger brothers. Selene wasn't complaining! She loved feeling unique. The thought of living a suburban lifestyle with a stay at home mom and a working dad made her feel nauseous.

If there was one thing that Selene would complain about is her brothers waking her up at 3am to discuss their 'Master Plan'  on how to get out of having a babysitter and going on a trip to Cape Suzette.

Speaking of which, Selene was currently sleeping peacefully in her bedroom when all of a sudden, her brothers barged into her room and woke her up by aggressively shaking her. She regrets having her bed so close to her door.

"Don't shake her so aggressively, Dewey! We need her for our plan. We don't need her to lose any more brain cells. The two that she has are important to the plan!" Louie loudly whispered.

"I wasn't shaking her that aggressively! How else our we went to wake up sleeping mediocre over here?" Dewey replied.

He lifted his arm to Selene, who was one more insult away from hitting them both over the head with her pillow. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. She turned to them and asked,

"Do you want me to help you, or are you just going to keep insulting me all night?"

"Sorry about them." Huey added. He quickly elbowed Louie and Dewey in their sides. "We do need your help though you're important to the plan, now let's discuss." He helped Selene out of bed. They all sat in a circle and began plotting.


After almost 2 hours of arguing and discussing later..

"Okay, everyone got it?" Huey asked

"Meh.." Louie replied

"I guess.." Selene added. She only had a few hours of sleep and was about to pass out at any second.

"Can you repeat the plan, but in a less nerdy way?" Dewey asked smugly, Huey smacked him on the arm.

"We need you to hot wire the boat while Me, Selene, and Louie try and convince Uncle Donald to let us stay here alone while he's at his job interview." Huey explained

"Ok, got it. If you just said that, it could have saved us like 2 hours of arguing.." Huey almost smacked him again, but the sound of Selene's and Louies snores snapped him out of it. He sighed before turning to Dewey.

"There's no point in arguing anymore. We need sleep if we want this plan to go smoothly. It's almost 5 am."

"Okay. Rock paper scissors on who has to drag them back into bed."

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