Day of the Only Child!

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Selene and Webby were hanging onto the new security robot that Scrooge had requested Gyro to make. They were on their way to show the guys.

The bot stopped in front of the boys' bedroom, Webby kicked the door open and exclaimed,

"You guys!"

The bot came into the room and flew towards Dewey, who was sitting by himself in front of his toy chest. He jumped in surprise and turned around.

"Scrooge just got a new security bot, and it can melt through solid steel, and it is adorable!" Selene exclaimed as Webby hugged the small bot.

It turned around, and the girls fell off, landing on their tails. Webby calmed down as she stood up, Selene following. Dewey held the toy chest to his back, protectively.

"Wait, where are Huey and Louie?" Webby asked, looking around.

"Who?" Dewey asked non-chantingly.

"Um, your brothers?" Webby replied.

Selene stared at Dewey questionably. Before it clicked, she remembered it was Only Child Day..

"Um, Webby, I don't have brothers. I'm an only child." Dewey looked at Selene. "And whose your friend?"

Selene rolled her eyes.

"Your older sister, Selene!"

"I don't have a sister either, Webs."

"Don't be ridicu-" Webby gasped. "Oh no. We must be in some sort of dystopian alternate dimension!"

"Calm down. Everything is fine."

"Exactly what an evil Dewey-doppelganger would say!"

"Wait -" Selene intervened, only for Webby to pounce on Dewey and hold him back.

Selene ran to Webby and tried to pry her off her brother.

"Give it up, Dew-pelganger! Where.... is.... Dewey!" Webby demanded.

"Webby, stop!" Selene exclaimed.

Huey and Louie rounded the corner and stared at the scene in shock.

"Help me!" Selene pleaded.

The boys ran in and tried to help Selene pull Webby off of Dewey,

"It is Dewey!" Huey exclaimed.

"He's just doing a Dewey thing!" Louie added.

"Oh!" Webby replied calmly.

She let go of Dewey, and the boys fell backwards. Selene stood up and walked towards her brothers, who were still sitting on the floor.

Dewey stood up and brushed the dust off himself. "Thank you, good Samaritans. You restored my faith in the kindness of random strangers."

"Not even one hour in, and your stupid 'Only Child Day' has already almost gotten one of us killed!" Huey began, rolling his eyes.

"Only, what-now?" Webby asked.

"It's a beautiful holiday." Dewey answered, clasping his hands together.

Huey and Louie stood up.

"That he made up." Huey explained.

Dewey stood next to Webby and put his arm around her shoulder. "Where, for a whole day, we get to be sibling-free-" Dewey held Webbys hand and then spun her around. "-and do all the amazing things that an only child gets to do!" He placed Webby down, who looked extremely dizzy. "Make our marks on the world!"

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