The Impossible Summit Of Mt. Neverrest!

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It's been one month since Selene and the boys first moved into McDuck manor, Selene and her brothers are now settled living there and are going on a few adventures from time to time. Their currently being homeschooled by Mrs. Beakley, Scrooge was too cheap to actually pay someone to teach them from home. Good thing, Mrs. Beakley is incredibly smart!

Selene wondered why he wanted them to be homeschooled in the first place, probably so they could go on spontaneous adventures without any hassle from the principal.

Speaking of going on adventures, Selene was currently going on one right now! With her family, Webby and Launchpad, to Mt. Neverrest, to be exact. Selene was currently sitting on one of the many seats of the plane next to Louie, listening to Scrooge talk about Mt. Neverrest in a lot of detail.

"Mt. Neverrest, the highest peak in the world. Most prized of the seven summits, Neverrest has claimed the world's finest explorers. It is said to be completely unclimbable, but now that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck." Scrooge spoke as he snapped the book about Mt. Neverrest shut.

"Wait, so instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's mansion waiting for Santa Claus -" Louie was cut off by Scrooge abruptly.

"That man is not allowed in my home. He knows what he did." He mumbled before walking off.

"We're following an old man up Mt. Certain Doom, here?" Louie pointed at the window behind him

"This is better than spending Christmas in some old mansion! Isn't adventuring with Scrooge McDuck the best Christmas gift you can get?" Selene asked Louie sincerely.

"Maybe to you and Dewey.."

"Atta girl lass, that's the spirit!" Scrooge smiled at Selene."Don't appreciate that 'old mansion' comment though, " Scrooge mumbled to himself.

"Following up on Louies previous question, Mt. Neverrest is three times deadlier than Mt. Certain Doom. The mountain summit remains shrouded in mystery. No one's ever seen the top, which makes it the perfect place to earn my Junior Woodchuck cartography badge!" Huey answered as he pulled out that very badge and shoved it in Louies face, he then quickly put in back into his jacket "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a topographical landscape that hasn't already been mapped?" Huey asked.

"No?" Louie raised his eyebrow at Huey.

"Well, very! I've got a geographic information system, satellite radar detector, thermal..." Huey said as he pulled out various items from his backpack.

"Bah, you don't need all that fancy doohickory. All you need is your wits, determination, and these. my old surveying tools." Scrooge added as he showed Huey that very item.

"Wow, they're rusty with the wisdom of experience!" Huey replied in awe as he held the tool.

"That's the spirit! I'm going to be the first person to set foot on the top of Neverrest."

"And I'm going to be the first person to draw a picture of it!" Huey exclaimed as he held his map and pen in the air.

"This is your captain speaking. Flight doors are now open." Launchpad spoke. He opened the door for them.

"Ah, drink it in, kids. Her deadly peaks, her bottomless crevices. Her flawless sheets of brilliant white snow betray no hint of the ancient secrets hidden beneath. Completely untrolled by man, the untamed majesty of Mt. Neverrest." Scrooge said as the rest of them followed behind him, only to find out that Mt. Neverrest is a tourist attraction..

"Aw, what?" Selene said in shock.

"Oh, churros!" Webby exclaimed as she ran towards the booth, Selene, Huey, and Scrooge were the only ones upset by this revelation.

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