The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!

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The discovery of the Spear of Selene was the biggest moment of Selene's life so far. She had spent a month trying to uncover the mystery, with the help of her brothers and Webby, but all they have is a few notes and one picture of Della. Selene finds it comforting just how much she looks like Della, almost like she's still around, somehow.

Now, the McDucks were on their way to Monacrow for the greatest adventure of their lives.

But some unforeseen circumstances (Scrooge piloting the plane...) caused them to crash into a mountain peak about 10,000 feet in the air. Things got heated, and Dewey ended up on the wing of the plane, trying to grab the last piece of the picture, the piece that would answer the question of Della Duck herself.

"No! Lad!" Scrooge cried from the window.

Selene ran up to the window and held onto the ledge.

Scrooge was walking on the ledge of the window and calling out to Dewey. "Lad! Give me your hand!"

Dewey ignored Scrooges cries and continued walking on the wing of the plane.

"No. Not again." Scrooge grunted.

Selene paid that comment no attention as she focused on her brother.

Everyone quickly followed after Selene to the window.

"Dewey, this is crazy! The mystery's not worth it!" Webby explained.

Scrooge had made it to the roof of the plane.

"I get it, but you can't give up the rest of us to find the one person we lost!" Louie reasoned.

Selene sighed and put the walkie-talkie to her beak. "I know how much time and dedication you've put into this, but your life is at stake! This has gone too far!" She cried.

Launchpad ran up next to them. "Dewey, the Darkwing Duck video is still running. Do you want me to pause it until you get back?" Launchpad asked.

Dewey had made it onto the propellers wing.

Huey pinched the bridge of his beak. "Give me that!"

Launchpad passed him the walkie-talkie.

"Dewey, our family is amazing! We're enough. Let it go!" Huey advised.

Dewey growled and threw his walkie-talkie. He continued walking on the propeller. Unfortunately, he put too much pressure on the plane, causing it to start rumbling. He and Scrooge almost fell, Dewey managed to catch himself on one of the propellers, and Scrooge managed to catch himself before falling off the plane completely.

Dewey reached for the paper as Scrooge reached for him.

"Please, I..." Scrooge began. "I can't keep you safe all right? How can I get you to listen to me?" He pleaded.

Dewey grabbed the paper and unrolled it. His eyes filled up with tears, and he pointed it at Scrooge. "Tell me about the Spear of Selene!" He exclaimed.

Scrooge agreed shakily. He brought Dewey back in the plane safely.


Launchpad had set boxes and crates on either side of the plane so it would be balanced. He pulled a thumbs up when done, and the kids turned back towards Scrooge with eager looks.

Scrooge sighed sombrely. He stared at the kids with tear filled eyes. "It was just before you three were hatched. Your mother, your Uncle Donald, and I had been going on amazing adventures for years, and things were grand. Except we'd been just about everywhere. Ever the aviator, your mother devised a plan to explore the greatest uncharted territory of all..." Scrooge placed the piece down and completed the picture. It was of Scrooge in front of the Spear of Selene wearing an astronaut uniform. "...outer space!"

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