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Selene woke up a few hours later. Stretching, she climbed out of bed and walked over to her dressing table. She started brushing her long hair. It was always a mess in the morning. The reason Selene woke up in the first place was from the sound of squawking, which she could immediately recognise as her Uncle Donald..

'Oh crap, the plan!' Selene thought, she dropped her hair brush in shock and ran towards the door before realising that she was still in her pyjamas. Her babysitter, Millicent, hated it when she went to the dinner table before changing out of her pyjamas and into her everyday clothes. She was very old-fashioned, and if the sound of crashing plates was anything to go by, she was already here.

She always dropped something and blamed it on one of her brothers. After getting dressed into her usual mint t-shirt with a light purple collar and sleeves, jeans included, she overheard Louie talking to Donald, probably to hype him up before his interview, which he always did.

"You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is no job."

Selene brushed back her bangs and grabbed her usual two hair clips, and clipped them into her bangs to keep them in place. She quickly sprayed some perfume.

She walked out of her room to see no Millicent, only Huey pulling down the ironing board right onto Donald's head. She went to go stand next to Louie, Huey ran next to her, well, more like behind her since he was the cause of Donald's temper tantrum. He was holding Donald's interview suit.

"Stop helping me! And put those life vests on. What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?" Donald spoke, still under the ironing board.

"Yes, Uncle Donald." Huey, Louie, and Selene droned in unison.

Selene went to grab the life vests. Once Selene passed her brothers their life vests, She put hers on and realised she looked a bit like a pufferfish. But that's the price you pay for safety, I guess.

"Where is that babysitter?" Donald asked himself as he stood up. He grabbed his phone to call the babysitter. "Where are you?!" Donald asked desperately. "What?! I didn't give you a new address!" Donald squawked.

Huey and Louie smirked to each other. All a part of the plan, Selene reminded herself.

"Well, what time can you get here? Crazy, old bird, " Donald said, exasperated. He ended the call and looked at the time. "Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00 o' clock?" Donald asked himself.

"10:00 o' clock?" They all shouted in unison.

"You gotta go!!" Louie shouted as he pulled the ironing board back up.

Selene helped Huey put Donalds shirt back on, then Louie pushed Donald outside, Selene and Huey quickly followed them.

"I can't just leave you!" Donald exclaimed.

"We can survive by ourselves for a couple of hours! Plus, Selene and Huey are here. Out of all four of us their the most responsible. " Louie argued.

Selene made a fistpump gesture. "Heck yeah! We won't let anything happen under our watch! Right Huey?" Selene turned to Huey, but she could tell that he was about to crack.

Then the engine started up, 10 minutes early..

"Where's Dewey?" Donald asked knowingly.

"Sleeping." Louie lied.

"Yep, he's safe and sound asleep!" Selene clarified nervously.

"Who's Dewey?" Huey asked.

Selene watched Donald speed walk back into the boat in shock.

The Mystery's of Clan McDuck! - A Ducktales Big Sister AU-Where stories live. Discover now