The Spear of Selene!

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After a very mediocre adventure to Australia, Launchpad was flying them home. After a few hours of extreme boredom, they got caught in a freak thunderstorm. At least Selene wasn't bored anymore.

The kids screamed as the plane shook, Donald was putting on all the protective gear he could find.

"Aw, come on. A little lighting never killed anyone." Launchpad spoke.

"Statistically speaking -"

A loud lighting crash shook the plane, causing Launchpad to lose his grip on the wheel. The plane dipped, making everyone scream in fear. Launchpad pressed down on a random button, and the plane went back to normal.

"See? Nothin' to worry about!" Launchpad smiled.

Suddenly, a red button started flashing.

"What about that flashing red light?" Webby asked.

"Huh?" Launchpad mumbled. He punched the button, but it continued to flash. "That's just probably the 'everything is fine' light."

"Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's the 'everything is not fine' light?" Dewey proposed.

Launchpad gasped. "Oh, no!" He pulled a lever and started pushing buttons.

The plane started to go down due to Launchpad not steering the wheel.

They all started screaming as the plane approached a small island. The plane crashed, and the clouds parted for the sun to shine down on the island.

The kids ran to the closest window.

"Where are we?" Louie asked.

Huey got out his JWG. "According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece." Huey declared. "And.... wait. This can't be right."

Selene looked over at the book and raised her eyebrow.

"I thought this place was a myth."

"What? What is this place?"

"Ithaquack.." Scrooge stated.

Selene gasped in shock.

The kids looked out of the window and laughed. They gushed at the scenery.

The adults started bickering. Selene was to captivated by the island to listen.

The kids smirked at each other and turned to face Scrooge and Donald.

"Hmm. Might as well take a look around." Webby suggested.

The kids cheered and ran out of the plane.

"Get back here!" Donald exclaimed.

Selene ran to the oceans edge and got out her notebook from her backpack. It had all the information she knew on mermaids, mermen, sirens, etc. If Greek mythology is real, then so are tales of the sirens who lured men to their doom! So cool! Maybe she can get more facts about them by actual mermaids!

Selene's view of the ocean was blocked by Donald. She looked up to see him glaring at her with a deflated Huey and Louie in both arms. She smiled awkwardly.

"What! I'm about to try to interview a mermaid for my book!" She sulked.

"No, you're not." He replied and scooped her up under his left arm. He started walking towards the plane.

Selene crossed her arms and continued to frown.

"We have to get back to the plane. You don't know what's out there."

"What could be dangerous about a beautiful Grecian vacation island?" Louie asked.

"Well-" Selene was cut off by a large man crashing into them.

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