Escape To/From Atlantis!

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Scrooge and Selene were currently up in the hatch of the submarine talking to Donald to reassure him that they were safe. But Selene
wasn't paying that much attention to them. She stood over the railing and looked at the water. She really wanted to meet a mermaid.

According to Wikipedia, there had been sightings in the area. But Dewey cramming himself up the hatch caused her to get squished into the railing. Not being able to breathe and your rib being crushed causes you to lose your train of thought.

"Hoist the mast sail! Other boat words to Atlantis! Dive! Dive!" Dewey shouted.

"No, wait." Scrooge said whilst panicking. He covered the phone so Donald wouldn't hear him.

"Aye Aye," Launchpad replied to Dewey.

"I am going to throw you over this railing if you don't move." Selene threatened. She glared at him. He didn't seem bothered, though. He just stuck his tongue out at her, which made her even madder.

"Launchpad, the hatch! Stop the bjjbjbuadkjfo!" Scrooge gurgled while he pushed Selene and Dewey down with him.

Selene managed to get down the ladder without slipping, surprisingly. Dewey pushed past her to run into the sub excitedly.


"Ugh, well done. Half the sub is now covered in water. Including my hair!" Selene shouted at Dewey while ringing out her hair. 'I really need to have my hair up more often,' Selene thought. She went to go sit next to Huey to try and get her mind off what just happened.

"Soo, what did you bring for this trip?" Selene asked, knowing her brother he probably packed enough things for a whole week worth of 'fun' well, his version of fun anyway.

"Well, I've got everything! From travel bingo to snacks, a playlist of traditional sea shanties, matching family road trip shirts!" Huey replied excitedly as he put one of the shirts on Selene much to her dismay, but she kept it on for him since she didn't want to ruin his mood. Scrooge must have overheard the conversation since he butted in,

"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there's no time."

"But according to the travel itinerary..." Huey replied with a sad tone.

While Huey was talking to Scrooge, Selene quickly took off the t-shirt Huey put on her. She did love him, but she wasn't going to wear it for the whole trip. She wanted to look cool in front of the mermaids she thought she was going to meet.

"Booooo! Adventure isn't about planning. It's about doing." Dewey added as he jumped out of nowhere to add his input. He quickly tore the paper up.

"So, what can I be in charge of? The buzz saws?" Dewey asked as he ran up to Scrooge and Launchpad.


"Sonic cannons?"


"Hyper dense zero-point energy missiles to pierce the scaly hide of a kraken?"

"None of those things are real things. This is your first expedition, so just stand back and watch an old pro from a safe distance."

"So what is this submarine equipped with?" Dewey asked as he sat down while looking sorry for himself. Scrooge put a seatbelt on him.

"Seat belts." Scrooge chuckled.

"Hah, good one. Classic Scrooge/Dewey banter: the seasoned but tired explorer passing the torch to his cocky young successor." Dewey convinced himself. He looked over at Selene and Huey.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually know our names." Huey added bluntly.


"I think he called me Herbert once." He looked over at Scrooge, who was charting the map,

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