The Beagle Birthday Massacre!

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The sun was beginning to set over Duckburg, and the kids were currently at the docks of the money bin, they were preparing for their boat trip that Selene and the boys regularly go on, but this time Webby was here! Selene was at her usual spot on the boat watching the sunset as Webby helped Huey list off their equipment and other things. Selene usually helped with that, but since they have an extra person, she is in charge of the communication devices. (Not that she minded that much..)

"Compass, CB radio, sunscreen." Huey spoke as he read from his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.

"Hot dog costumes!" Webby added. She then grabbed said hot dog costumes and passed them to Huey.

"Huh?" Selene said as she looked over in confusion. That sentence alone pulled her out of her daydreams.

"I'm sorry, what?" Huey asked in the same confused tone as Selene.

"You know, in case we get lost at sea, have no food left, and one of us, probably Louie, goes mad with hunger, we'll put these on. Louie hates hot dogs, so he probably won't eat us." Webby elaborated

"Probably?" Selene asked, shocked that her own brother would want to eat her over some hotdogs.

"Are you saying that Louie would rather eat us than hot dogs?" Huey asked, Louie then walked over to them and sat next to Selene.

"I do hate hot dogs." Louie smirked

"I think we'll be good." Huey added. He threw the hot dog costume behind him, and some seagulls followed and started eating them..

"So what do you need me to do?" Webby asked

"I think that's everything. Selene has the communication devices" Cue to Selene holding almost every possible form of communication in case they get lost at sea.. "Louie's got the canteens. Dewey's got the paddles." Dewey then ran over, paddles in hand.

"Nautical leap. YAR!" Dewey jumped into the boat, causing Louie to fall over and Selene to fall out of the boat."Nailed it!" Selene quickly got back up and shook the sand out of her hair as Louie jumped on Dewey in retaliation, Selene then got back in the boat.

"Relax, we've taken this old kayak out dozens of times. We got this." Huey said

"Maybe I can be in charge of the map?" Webby asked

"Oh, Huey always handles the map, thanks to ol' Captain Lost, here." Dewey pointed to Louie

"Hey! That's 'Captain Lost, sir' to you." Louie replied in annoyance

"Captain Lost! Captain Lost!" Selene, Huey, and Dewey started chanting. They all started laughing, apart from Louie for obvious reasons.

"Haha, I don't know why we're laughing!" Webby spoke

"Oh, this whole crazy story where we all went kayaking, and Louie—" Huey replied

".. Got lost?"

"Yeah. You sorta had to be there, I guess." Louie said

"But now you will be!" Dewey spoke encouragingly. They all started pushing the boat to the tide.

"Onward to adventure!" Selene exclaimed. They all then attempted to get into the boat but got squished in the process..

"Pardon me.." Webby asked

"Come on, why aren't we 'To adventuring'?" Dewey mumbled

"Oof!" Webby grunted as she fell out of the boat.

"I guess we never had to stick five people in this thing." Louie said as he looked down at Webby.

"Are you alright?" Selene asked

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