The House of the Lucky Gander!

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AN- Warning for mild swearing

They were currently flying over Macaw to answer a distress call from Gladstone, Selene's uncle. Scrooge pushed everything off a table and put down a map to start one of his classic pre adventure monologues.

"The Temple of the Golden Cricket. Every fifty years at sundown, the golden cricket emerges, singing its ethereal song. Some say the song holds the answer to life's greatest mysteries. How did we get here? What's our purpose in the universe?" Oh yeah. They were also going to see this cool golden cricket, so two adventures in one!

"Wait, is that a neon hot dog?" Louie exclaimed from his seat. The rest of the kids ran over to where Louie was pointing. They looked to see loads of neon signs lighting up the sky, but they were mainly focused on the hot dog.


"So cool!"

"I'm hungry!"


"Yes, yes, the city of Macaw is exciting to look at, but you'll only find out the distractions there." Scrooge added

"I can't believe Uncle Gladstone is here!" Louie said in awe

"He's so charming." Huey said

"And funny." Dewey added

"Yeah, but he's a bit stuck up, if you're asking me." Selene complained

"He might be.. but he's family!  " Huey defended

"But it's true." Dewey mumbled

"He's, like, the luckiest guy in the world. Uncle Donald, you must have had the best time growing up with him." Louie turned to ask Donald, who was sitting crossed armed in the seat next to Louie.

"He's the worst. Just the worst."

"Gladstone Gander is a complete layabout. I don't even know why we're responding to his call." Scrooge complained

"Maybe because it was a call for help?" Webby added

"And like Uncle Donald says, family always helps family." Huey quoted

"Why did I say that?" Donald mumbled

"Plus, he's easily our coolest uncle." Louie said


"Sorry, coolest non-trillionaire uncle." Donald nodded before realising what he meant and growled.

"Hey, come on, Uncle Donald is kinda cool." Huey defended

"Yeah!" Selene added. The plane then shifted and skidded on the water, which caused Donald to freak out.

"We're all going to die! I wasted my life!" He put on his seatbelt, and when the plane adjusted, he noticed everyone staring at him, which caused him to awkwardly chuckle.

Once they landed on the dock, they all got out and started walking towards the casino.

"We leave for the temple in an hour—" Scrooge's voice got further away as she walked. As she walked up to the building, it imitated her slightly..

After getting into the casino, the first thing you notice is how red this place is, with hints of gold complementing the red. They made it to the elevator and started going up to his room.

Selene was standing next to Louie, and he shook her slightly. "Why did I wear green? He always sees me in green."

"Everyone always sees you in green, Lou." Selene pointed out the obvious

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