The Shadow War Part 1: The Night of De Spell!

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Later in the day, at evening to be exact, Selene and her brothers went to go collect their things from McDuck Manor. Webby, who was still at the Manor, helped them.

When Selene went into her old room, she found all of her things already in boxes. Her brothers' things were also already packed. It stung a lot, but she was happy to be out of there faster.

They transferred all their belongings to the docks and started carrying them to the houseboat. starting with the heaviest first.

Louie was holding the box up by his pinkie finger while Selene, Huey, and Dewey struggled.

"Louie, pull your weight!" Huey exclaimed.

"Um, I'm stabilizing. Grunts lift." Louie chuckled. "Leaders stabilize."

Selene kicked him in the shin as Webby ran up to help lift from the front.

"Ow! Is that any way to treat your leader." Louie groaned.

"No." Selene started. She kicked him in his other shin. "That is."


They threw the box on the ground, forgetting that it was labelled fragile.

"Ahh, life on a boat, huh?" Webby began, leaning on the box. "The lively rocking of the waves, sleeping next to a dangerous boiler... And what's that? A longshoreman cursing? Fun!"

Huey started carrying some smaller boxes.

Dewey crossed his arms. "Anything's better than the mansion with that selfish old miser." He grumbled.

Huey passed the boxes to Webby.

"Aw, that's not fair. Scrooge isn't that old and selfish." Webby defended.

Selene and the boys stared at Webby with a confused look.

Webby smiled awkwardly as they walked past her and onto the boat.

"Okay, but in the most loveable way!" She concluded as she walked next to them.

Donald stood in front of them with a grin. "Home sweet home. Huh?"

The kids just stared blankly into the distance.

Donald looked away sadly before looking at something and smiling. "Um, I got snacks." He held up a tray of crackers with sardines laying on top.

Selene almost gagged at the sight. Webby, being the polite person she is, took one. Selene felt pity for Webby as she took a bite. She pulled a thumbs up, her face contorted with disgust.

"Wait, where's Dewey?" Donald placed the tray down and ran to the stairs. Only to be stopped by the sight of Dewey himself, sitting next to a life jacket.

"Nope. Right here. Not stealing the boat." Dewey droned.

"Oh!" Donald spoke.

"Yep. Back to the good ol' days. Woo-woo." Dewey put his life jacket on, with a dull expression.

"Woo-woo." Selene, Huey, and Louie copied.

Webby spat out her snack into the box. Selene gagged.


After grabbing a few more boxes, Selene came across a certain one that stopped her in her tracks.

"Guys? Come here!" Selene exclaimed.

"What is it?" Huey asked as he walked over with Dewey and Louie.

"Look." She pointed at the box.

They leaned in. The box was full of treasure and prized possessions from their adventures with Scrooge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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