Terror of the Terra-Firmians!

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Selene had been successfully dragged into seeing this new sci-fi horror movie called 'The Beast' by her brothers and Webby, well mainly Webby due to her wanting Selene and Lena to 'bond' after there rocky start at the park.

It wasn't Selenes fault that she pounced on Lena! Well, maybe only a little bit. She was just protecting her brothers.

After two hours of sci-fi movie magic, the movie had (finally) ended. Selene unstuck herself from her chair and helped her brothers up from their folding chairs (because they just had to get VIP seats..). Thankfully, the lights turned back on as she was helping her youngest brother from off his seat.

After a swift thanks and a highfive she looked around for the newest addition and Webby, but she was nowhere to be found, after a panic she heard the sound of Webbys giggles and presumed Lena helped her up. Thankful she didn't have to help up anymore sticky-handed 10 year olds Selene followed her siblings to the exit.

"Oh, man, that is classic cinema!" Dewey spoke happily.

"So good!" Webby spoke, jumping as she did.

"Meh.." Selene added, feeling drowsy from being in a dark heated room for 2 hours.

Selene was walking next to Huey as the group was walking down the street. He seemed miffed about something. He's probably just re-thinking and theorising about the movie, Selene thought.

"Oh, and remember when the surgeon tried to cut the mole queen in half, but then she multiped into a million moles babies, and then they ate him?" Lena cheered enthusiastically. Her and Webby started imitating the scene from the movie.

The kids stopped in front of a poster for the movie, waiting for the adults.

"Lame! Where was the needlessly expensive car crash mayhem?" Louie complained.

"When Launchpad parked and crashed into that fire hydrant earlier." Selene quipped, making the other kids minus Huey laugh.

"Even if mole men did exist, why attack someone in the shower? With the water running, there wouldn't be enough traction to attack anyone above the knee. Totally phoney." Huey theorised

"Huey, we've been over this. Movie magic!" Selene answered. She's been saying this her whole life. It's basically her catch-phrase at this point.

"Yes, but -"

"What's with you guys! It says it right here, 'Based on an Actual True Novel.'" Webby joined in. She pointed the poster.

Huey grabbed his JWG from under his hat. "This is the only book I trust." He shoved the book in Webbys face. "If it's not in the Junior Woodchuck guidebook, then it's not a thing." Huey retracted the book and looked over it.

"What about were-ducks?" Webby asked.



"Not a thing."

Selene watched them argue as she stole some of Louies popcorn. He caught on and swatted her hand away with an angry expression. Selene just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Well, what about the legendary Terra-firmians of Duckburg?" Webby questioned.

"Let's see." Huey sighed. He opened up his JWG to section T and started skimming through the pages. "Pterodactyl, terror-dactyl, terrible twos. Nope. No Terra-firimans. Must not exist." He showed Webby the page for proof and lowered the book out of her face.

Webby started laughing awkwardly. "What? Terra-firmians, the mythical underground race that live below our very city?"

Huey chuckled. "No. That's ridiculous."

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