The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!

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After adventuring around the world and almost dying multiple times only to be saved by dumb luck, this was their most dangerous trip yet, according to Scrooge.

They were somewhere in Scotland, Selene had no Wi-Fi, so she couldn't tell exactly where in Scotland they were. The luggage they packed kept bumping into Selene's legs and almost fell on her due to how bumpy they roads were and how reckless Launchpads driving is..

"Remember, kids, no sudden movements, no eye contact. If you're cornered, the heartless heathens will give you no quarter." Scrooge repeated for the tenth time that night. Selene rolled her eyes at this, for the tenth time that night..

"This does not sound like a fun trip." Louie said anxiously.

"Misty moors, vague warnings. Sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back? Can you please just tell us where we're going?" Huey asked.

"The less you know, the better." Scrooge added. He turned back and focused on the road.

Huey and Louie slumped down in their seats. Selene sat in the middle of them, bored out of her mind. She started kicking the luggage half-heartedly for something to do.

After a minute of sulking, the car came to a sudden stop. Scrooge got out and opened the door for them. The kids climbed out.

"Launchpad, hide the jeep in the moors." Scrooge started. He turned around to speak to the kids. "Every five years, the mists of Dismal Downs part enough to reveal the home of the Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar. Brace yourselves, kids. Primordial menace lurks here. The most treacherous terror I've ever faced."

The front door opened to reveal an older looking man wearing a button-up and vest with a tie, sporting some circular glasses. An older woman who Selene presumed was his wife, wearing a Victorian style pink dress with her own pair of glasses. The man dressed more modern than his wife for some reason.

"Oi! Jettison, that jalopy from my driveway this instant, you deadbeat!" The man shouted at Scrooge.

"Daddy. Mummy." Scrooge slumped.

The kids gasped in surprise, Selene was shocked that he was still alive, now shes even more confused about how his parents are still alive!

Scrooge sighed and started walking over to his parents.

"Scroogey!" Grandma exclaimed, running over to him and lifting him up, hugging and kissing him. Before dropping him on the floor and looking over at Selene, the boys and Webby.

"Ooh! Look at your wee bairns! Finally, I get to meet the rest of ya!" She put her arms out for a hug.

The boys ran away. Leaving Selene to get the most of her affection. She quickly gets scooped up by her grandmother and hugged the same way she hugged scrooge, but she places Selene down gently.

"Last time I saw you, ye were just a wee baby!" She spoke smiling happily, pinching Selenes face.

She turned around to address the rest of the group. "Welcome, all of you, to Castle McDuck!"

"Your parents are alive!?" Huey asked while helping Scrooge up.

"I can't believe you're still alive." Louie said, walking over to them.

"He put a curse on us." Scrooges dad helpfully added, still at his place by the front door.

"That is not fair! I very kindly rebuilt our ancestral castle for them, and I may have used some discount mystical druid stones that accidentally granted them immortality.. I didn't know it would buy me as eternity's worth of criticism!" Scrooge defended.

The Mystery's of Clan McDuck! - A Ducktales Big Sister AU-Where stories live. Discover now