The Birthday from Hell!

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"Happy Birthday!!!" Huey, Dewey, and Louie shouted excitedly.

Selene screamed as she fell out of bed from being awoken by her screaming brothers. She turned onto her back and sat upright, while being tangled in her sheets that came with her as she fell, she saw her brothers standing by her door looking very concerned and guilty as they were holding her birthday presents.

"Happy birthday.. Woo!" Louie winced.

Once they helped Selene up, they waited for her outside of her new bedroom as she was getting ready. They led her downstairs whilst apologising. They then led her into the living room where Scrooge and Webby were waiting for them. Huey, Dewey, and Louie then quickly sat down.

"Happy birthday, bestie!" Webby squealed as she ran over to give Selene a hug.

"Happy birthday, lass, not opened. You're presents from your brothers yet, I see?" Scrooge said as he saw the presents that Huey was still holding. 

"Oh yeah!! I'll open my presents once I've had my breakfast, I didn't sleep much last night so I need the energy." Selene replied.

"Good thinking. Speaking of, your uncle is making something to eat now." Scrooge added.

Donald then shouted them all into the dining room to eat the pancakes he prepared, knowing it was Selene's favourite he gave her more and because it was her birthday. Once they had finished eating, Selene opened her presents, and one of them happened to be a Dart gun! After opening presents, everyone went back to their usual routine. Selene, Webby, and the boys were thinking of a game to play in the living room.

The kids were all on the couch, and Dewey was sitting upside down. Apparently, it helps him think. Selene was sitting to left of him with her legs crossed, giving him a side eye. Huey and Louie were on his right, Louie was on his phone, and Huey was sitting sensibly, with his arms on his lap. Webby was.. somewhere in the room, probably hanging off the walls.

"How about pirates? We can pretend to steal Scrooge's treasure! But one of us has to play Scrooge." Dewey suggested.

"I call dibs!" Louie replied quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"If Scrooge found out he would literally kill us." Huey added bluntly.

"What about darts? I just got a dart gun, and I bet Webby has one, too." Selene suggested.

"I do!" Webby confirmed excitedly. She was hanging off the chandelier and quickly jumped down at the mention of her name.

"Alright, but we should set some rules so things don't get out of control." Huey replied.

"O-" Selene was quickly cut off by Huey already setting the rules he had planned out in his head.

"Foyer is the safe zone. No getting to carried away. And have fun!" Huey stated quickly whilst smiling.

"Wow, Ok. I was expecting way more. Let's go grab our dart guns and meet at the staircase in 5."

"Alright!" Everyone exclaimed, some more excited than others.

As Selene was grabbing her new dart gun from her room, she quickly checked her phone for any new notifications, and she noticed she got a message from Mariposa.

Today, 10:00
Mariposa: hey sel! happy bday:D sorry i couldn't sleepover to celebrate w/u, but meet me at funzos in a hour? i got u a gift>:)

Selene: hey mari! ty:D, its alright dw! and me and hdl will meet u there, also i met this girl while i was out she seems really fun, u mind if i bring her along?

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