The Great Dime Chase!

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Selene was sitting on the couch in the living room watching some mindless tv with Louie, it was a pretty chill day so they had no plans, they needed a break from adventuring anyway, she did love it but sometimes you just need to rest and watch women scream at each other for 20 minutes. But after a while, it got boring, so Louie changed the channel to a show about Ottomans....

"Ugh. This show is so dumb." Louie spoke

"You could always just turn off the telly." Scrooge said as he walked into the living room.

"Oh, the remote's way over there.." Louie tried to grab it, but his attempt was a bit pathetic, so Selene grabbed the remote and threw it at him, but her aim was off, and it landed on the floor by Scrooge

"Oh, forget it."

"Any big plans for today?" Scrooge asked

"Nap then maybe ask Mariposa if she wants to hang out.." Selene replied whilst yawning

"Thought I might move to the big TV in a few hours. You know..." Louie burps, then reaches for a can of Pep. Louie opens it and takes a sip. He then sighed. "Hey, do we have any more, Pep?"

"You've got six full cans right here!" Scrooge stated in confusion

"I only like that first sip. Peak carbonation. Never mind, I'll call Beakley." Louie then grabbed his phone. "Oh, man, my phone's dead. Guess I gotta buy a new one."

"If he's getting a new phone, I need one to, this one is like three years old.." Selene added whilst holding her old cracked phone up lazily.

"Just charge it!" Scrooge exclaimed

"Eh, this one's three months old anyway. Who cares? We're rich!" Louie replied. He then threw his phone in the trash can.

"No. I'm rich!"And Selene, I might actually consider that. What even happened to it?"Anyway! That's it, kids. You're both coming to the office to learn the value of a hard day's work" He picked up Selene and grabbed Louie by the hood and started walking towards the garage to ask Launchpad to drive them.
Before Launchpad started to drive them to Scrooges office, Selene heard a thud and looked over to see Dewey at the window.

"Agh! Dewey, what are you doing?" Selene asked as she jumped back in shock, Launchpad then rolled down the window for them.

"We need to come with you!" Selene looked over to see Webby trying to look as non suspicious as possible."For non suspicious reasons, of course!"

"Well, the more, the merrier! hop in." Scrooge said. Clearly, he didn't pick up on the fact that they were obviously up to something. Dewey and Webby then jumped in next to Selene, through the window.. probably the most normal thing that she's going to see today, knowing how danger always seems to follow her family.
After a very dangerous and bumpy drive, Launchpad finally pulled into the Money Bin car park. He then crashed the car's hood into the wall..

"You have arrived at your destination!" Launchpad said everyone then got out looking slightly traumatised, apart from Scrooge, who looked way happier than he needed to be.

"Be back at six, Launchpad. We have a long, hard day of work ahead of us!" Scrooge stated, to which Selene and Louie groaned at.

"Gotcha, Mr. McD." Launchpad replied. He then drove away.

"Thanks for letting us tag along Uncle Scrooge, but I suddenly very much have to use the bathroom." Dewey said. He backed away a little bit. Selene knows that he's up to something now. He always puts his hands behind his back when he's lying.

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