Chapter XV: Awakening to the Sounds of Wind and Sand

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Tom slowly woke more than several hours later, as the sun was rising for a new dawning; and to startle as he realized Harry did not lie beside him but that he heard the faint and soft hum of a song in a voice and purr combo that was familiar, yet unfamiliar. He lied there a moment to take in his surroundings more.

Noting the intense wind blowing outside and the rustling sands that swirled and danced harshly; it seemed a sandstorm was forming and roaming outside them. He watched as the sands were blown against the windows of the room; but the wards prevented the storm from entering the palace walls. Smiling somewhat as the sound of the chaos to the wind and the sand soothed a part of Tom internally; a part he had lacked for days.

Then Tom started to see that Nefertari was also not beside him and that caused him minor panic as he rose and exited the bedding tent. Only to wanly smile some as he saw Harry lying propped up on pillows behind his back in the main room; sleeping soundly. Bastet sitting beside him with her clawed hand gently carding through his hair and her other arm slowly rocking his daughter as she was nestled protectively to her breast.

Tom moved to the wash basin and used the water there to carefully waken himself more due to the coolness of the liquid despite the heat of the realm. Then walked to where Bastet was and sat down opposite her; who eyed him softly.

"Harry woke shortly after you fell asleep, and his magic flared out to let me know that he was ready for the removal of the foreign magic. I took him away and he he has been cleansed of the awful magic twisting his core. But he is exhausted now; the process did not go as smoothly as I had hoped." She told him quietly, "I think that this was because Harry has only recently given birth, and his body is still recovering from that."

"He will be fine with time." She spoke as she smiled to her son in magic soft and gentle, "But for now; he needs rest and to limit his use of magic. You will have the next couple of days to rest and heal yourselves and your bond from this incident. But."

She spoke with hardened tone then, "But then Father wants to speak to you both; with Nefertari present. I...also; also suspect that for the first time in many millenia; that Father is going to invite Apep back to the Golden Palace." She told him quietly

Her eyes held differing emotions; wariness, concern, doubt, and hesitance among the most prominent of them, "The Devourer of Souls and Bringer of Ruin; to be here once more in the hopes of Father gaining Apep's cooperation more fully. I think that Father is hoping to use you; as you are one of his children in a the Lord of Serpents and as a naturally-born Parselmouth.

Intends to use yours and Harry's bonding; as the start of gaining his help and to show Apep that light and dark can coexist; as Nefertari is proof of that coexistence. Harry is the Vessel for all of us; he can call to all our powers...even gods such as Apep, if needed. For his magic is considered as neutral in its orientation; not really called to or labeled as Dark nor Light.

Yet...because you are the darker half of his bond...Harry is the lighter half; the one who seeks nothing more than peace and to give healing to those who need it.

To be the one to bear life in all forms to the world; to continue to bring life and vibrancy to all in the realms." She told him as she then eyed her grand-daughter and smiled slowly again, "Nefertari; I sense a shift ability to her. But, I can not pinpoint to it being feline, serpentine, or another animal yet; it is not defined enough to tell."

Bastet smiled as she rocked her, "She has great power for a child born of you both; yet not the same level as Harry has as a Sacred Vessel or you as a Dark Lord. And, she will not be another Vessel; for only one Vessel may exist at one time. One that the pantheon must have all agreed to allow to be made. Harry was a rare exception to that rule; Ma'at and I...we made the choice for most of them, and not all here are happy about it.

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