Chapter IX: Bonded by the Golden Sun and the Silver Moon

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After the meeting with the client, Tom and Harry strolled back to the more elite and upper-class part of magical Egypt. Tom smiling as he held his mate's hand and showed him some of the more interesting stores there. Harry eventually decided to go into an artwork shop and the eyes of the owner roved over Harry discreetly; both Tom and Harry were aware of the man's gaze, but they ignored him.

Once Tom stepped away to look at one particular piece as Harry did to another; the man slowly approached Harry. Tom's eyes began to look somewhat irritated, but he figured Harry would make sure he didn't do anything to ruin his store's reputation.

Harry was eyeing the piece and the gentleman cleared his throat softly, "Is this to your liking?"

Harry silently nodded with a smile to his face, "It is. It has a lovely palette to it. The scene is both as lovely as it is...provocative some might say, but I think the artist was trying to make people realize what the time period was like through the art."

The man stared now, "And how do you view that opinion?"

Harry turned to him from the side of his head to eye him scrutinously before it softened and he returned his eyes to the piece, "I think the time period is wonderfully reflected. Back then, the human body wasn't as...frowned upon when it was exposed. People were less judgmental to body shapes and other features; though I do know and believe that even then, there were those who prided themselves on their body or beauty.

Cast aspersions to those of lesser beauty, poor misfortune, and or those of lesser health." He told him, "Even when Egypt was a land that revered Life and Death in equal measures."

"It is a shame that we cannot live in such an environment; one where looks were not so important to everyone around us. Where materialism and vanity are less imposed to others; most of the common people of ancient Egypt...they came in all statures, sizes, lifestyles, and more.

While clothing was used and a lot of it covered the body fully; the materials were thin and light then due to the heat. Most clothing was light to keep from exhaustion after working full days underneath a very harsh sun. Women's clothing was also transparent a lot of times; not fearing scrutiny for their bodies."

"Egyptian women were respected as equal to the men back then; cherished, as they were the ones who gave birth and new life to the new generation. Ancient Egypt isolated its nation due to the fact most nations outside of it; they treated their women horribly, and it was to them unthinkable.

It is lovely to see that this is not forgotten." Harry commented

The man smiled then, "Thank you, dear lady..."

Harry's eyes then seemed amused, "I am not a woman. And I am also spoken for."

His eyes widened to that and then he flushed, "My apologies; I meant no offense." He then hurriedly walked back to his desk as Harry softly snorted in amusement, "I suppose I shall have to bear that now."

Tom walked to him and wrapped his arm about him, "What did he want?"

Harry smirked, "He wanted my take on the piece I was so immensely admiring, and made the mistake of thinking of me as a woman."

Tom snorted lightly as he smiled and then rubbed his hands to his hips, "I have no idea how he could have imagined that, beloved. Your body; even in the dress, is too defined as male to really be otherwise."

Harry's eyes flashed in warning, "Tom." He hissed, "Not appropriate."

Tom smirked now, "My apologies, Harry. I just love you, that's all."

Harry smirked now, "You love how I feel around you." He quipped quietly as Tom's eyes flared, "I can see where your mind is right now, dear. In the gutter, to be polite."

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