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"Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave!" Jareth's eyes pleaded the girl he loved to listen, to think, to give him a chance. The girl, Sarah Williams, looked up at him, clarity dawning in her emerald eyes. Jareth stretched out his arm, hope sparking a flame deep within his jaded soul. The illusion of love in her eyes was shattered as she spoke.
"You have no power over me!" She yelled the accursed line from her story. It was then Jareth truly realized that she was lost to him. Her words severed their bond. She was free of him. Jareth pulled his crystal back, his heart shattering like glass in his chest. His eyes hardened to cold marbles, and Sarah finally showed subtle signs of fear. Jareth made eye contact, and tossed the crystal up into a high arc towards his lost love in one last symbol of how much he's given her. As she caught the small bubble full of Jareth's dreams, she watched her tormentor fall from the ruins with regret shining in her eyes.

The Underground was dark and void of life as a violent storm gathered above it. Lightning cracked and thunder roared in a rhythmic song of fury and humiliation. The one and only sign of life outside the walls of the Labyrinth was a small dwarf, spraying fairies while glancing uneasily at the sky above him. Hoggle--the dwarf-- was right in the middle of spraying a particularly nasty fairy when an emotionally unbalanced Goblin King stalked to the gates. Jareth violently waved his hand and the gates flew open, crashing against the stone wall with a vicious sound of splintering wood on cracking stone. Hoggle darted away from the gates in terror, trying to escape Jareth's wrath. The dwarf was not so lucky. Jareth spotted him and captured the poor dwarf before he ran a foot. The King lifted Hoggle to his face and shook him, his rage breaking through. "This is all your fault!" Jareth roared, madness coloring his mismatched eyes; "You will be put to work as my personal servant until the day-you-die!"
Hoggle's eyes went wider than dinner plates. Before he could even open his mouth to defend himself, he disappeared, sent to his castigation.
Finally alone, Jareth threw back his head and screamed a bloodcurdling cry into the sky above before crumpling onto the cold, wet ground in anguish.

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now