Chapter 34

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Jareth let go of Emmeline and Sarah, and immediately ran down a long hallway that led to the Escher room.
"Emory! Emory!" Jareth yelled as he ran through the room.
"Father!" a faint cry sounded.
Jareth bolted into a door where Emory's call was the loudest. He ran into the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Frustrated, Jareth conjured a crystal and heaved it into the door. With an earth-shattering boom, the door was blown in, revealing a dirty Goblin Prince shackled to a stone wall. He looked up, his gold eyes watching his father carefully, cynically. Jareth ignored his son's mistrustful stare and threw crystals at the shackles, instantly breaking them open.
Emory stood and rubbed his wrists, still watching Jareth.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, rubbing his raw wrists. His black hair was matted and tangled, his clothes torn, his flesh dotted with purple bruises and healing cuts.
Jareth was confused. "To save you, Emory."
"What for?" Emory snapped at his father, "For her?" he pointed to someone behind Jareth. He turned and saw Sarah, Emmeline was still running behind.
"Sarah," Jareth said, holding out a hand and turning back to look at his son, "You remember Emory?"
Sarah took Jareth's offered hand and stood at his side.
"Yes. Hi, Emory. You wouldn't remember me."
Emory stood there stiffly. "So you're the whore who took my father from Mother and I." His voice was cutting and unforgiving.
Before either could speak, Emmeline appeared in the doorway.
"Emory?" She asked, looking at her half-brother.
Emory tore his gaze from his father and Sarah to look at Emmeline. He looked at her with distain.
"And you're the bastard, I presume," He sneered, making Emmeline pause. Her face contorted with surprise, then anger. She walked right up to him and slapped him.
"Don't you dare call me that!" she snapped, "We have been through hell to save your ass, and this is how you repay us?" She stood there for a moment, fuming, then turned on her heel and stalked out, Emory watching her leave, expressionless. Jareth looked at his son sadly, shook his head, and started to leave, pulling Sarah behind him. Emory turned away from them to the wall, and sank down. Sarah saw his shoulders shaking.
"Wait," she said stopping. She looked at Jareth.
"Go," she mouthed. He nodded and left.
Sarah turned to look at Emory, wringing her hands while walking over to him. She put a light hand on his shoulder, and he threw it off violently, whirling around. His eyes were red, traces of tears evident on his face.
"Don't touch me!" he yelled. "You don't understand anything! I want my mother, not a tramp! I saw her die, right in front of me! Don't you dare try to comfort me!"
Sarah took a slight step back, but did not leave. "I don't think you understand the situation, Emory." She said softly, "I'm sorry your mother died-she was a friend of mine- but you cannot blame me, your father, or Emmeline."
Emory wiped his face with his sleeve. "Who's Emmeline?"
Sarah smiled sadly. "Your half- sister... the one who slapped you."
Emory looked down, ashamed. Sarah put a hesitant hand on his shoulder, and he didn't throw her off.
"Come out of here," Sarah crooned, "Let your father explain."
Emory nodded and allowed Sarah to lead him out.

The throne room was bare and trashed, the goblins gone to avoid their returned King. Emmeline was in the corner with Jareth, wiping her eyes. They were talking softly, then they hugged. Emmeline looked over her father's shoulder and saw her mother and her half-brother standing in the doorway. She let go of Jareth, tearing her eyes from her brother and looking out the balcony. Jareth looked over and smiled when he saw the pair. Sarah walked over to Jareth and hugged him, leaving Emory standing uncomfortably in the doorway. He adverted his gold eyes, feeling like he didn't belong.
"Talk to him," Sarah whispered in Jareth's ear, "Tell him what happened. Nothing but the truth." Sarah let go, caressed his cheek, then stood over by Emmeline, hugging her close.
"Emory," Jareth began, walking over to his son, "I should explain something to you," Jareth pulled him out of the room.

An hour or so later, Jareth and Emory returned to the throne room. Emory walked over to Emmeline and stood in front of her awkwardly. She looked at him, her expression guarded. He said nothing, then hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, little sis," he said softly.
Emmeline froze for a moment, then hugged him back. "Glad to see ya," she whispered, "Big bro." Emory grinned and pushed her away gently. He then turned to Sarah. "I apologize most sincerely for the words I spoke," he said stiffly. Sarah smiled and hugged him tightly.
"I know I will never replace your mother, but may I try?" she asked softly.
Emory hesitated a moment, then let himself relax in Sarah's arms. "Yes."
Jareth and Emmeline both joined in, a moment of relief, the fear gone, the love back, the hope that things were over and new, wonderful things can begin.
The moment was ruined when a small voice interrupted from between them. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Sire, but..." The small goblin messenger hesitated. "It's about Hoggle, Sire."
Jareth let go of Sarah, Emory, and Emmeline and went eye to eye with the small messenger, who was quaking with fear. "What about Hoggle?" Jareth asked calmly, trying to keep a lid on his fear and concern.
The goblin shivered more violently, and then squeaked in a rush, "He has escaped out of our clutches. He just disappeared after you all did."
Jareth stood up quickly and ran straight to the window overlooking the Labyrinth. He saw no wobbly, short figure of the hateful goblin anywhere. Jareth reached inside his vest and pulled out one of his crystals. "Show me Hoggle," Jareth told the crystal, his voice betraying his concern.
As Jareth stared deep into the crystal, it showed Hoggle's face, blurry. Suddenly, Jareth's crystal got white-hot. Jareth dropped it with a small gasp.
"I will be back. You will rue this day for the rest of your life, Jareth." Hoggle's voice thundered throughout the throne room. His voice disappeared, and Jareth's crystal shattered from the stress of the message. Jareth was holding Sarah, and Emmeline was grasping Jareth's jacket, her knuckles white. Emory stood back, near the window, searching desperately for Hoggle's whereabouts.
"I guess we are needed more than before," Sarah said softly, breaking the binding silence. She looked at Jareth with hardened eyes. "I guess we've got no choice but to stay."
"Forever," Jareth murmured, looking at Sarah. They started to lean in.
"Blech. I'm here too! Sure, I'll stay. Thanks for the offer, guys!" Emmeline muttered sarcastically. She walked off with her brother into a different room, muttering about magic and her cell phone.
Jareth looked at Sarah and they both chuckled. "We'll take care of Hoggle," Sarah said softly as they leaned in once more. "I mean, how much trouble can one fallen Goblin King cause?"

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