Chapter 31

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"No! No! Let her go! Please! Please!" Sarah was screaming, trying to chase after Fowler, but wasn't succeeding. When Fowler had grabbed Emmeline, Jareth ran to Sarah and held her arms behind her back to stop her advance.
"Traitor! Let go of me! That's my daughter! Let go!" Sarah screamed at Jareth and fought him, but it was no use, for Jareth was stronger than her.
"She was my daughter," Sarah sobbed, finally giving way and collapsing into Jareth's arms instead of fighting him. "We must get her back." Sarah pleaded Jareth, her eyes full of tears.
Jareth shook his head. "I wish we could, but we only have thirty minutes until time runs out. We need to finish the last task and get into the castle."
Sarah stared at Jareth in horror. "I thought you changed," She said quietly, struck. "I thought you changed!" she screamed at him all of her fury coming out at him again. She fought harder than before and succeeded in breaking free from Jareth. "I'm going to get Emmeline and you can't stop me!"
Jareth watched Sarah spin on her heel and run from him back towards the Labyrinth where Fowler disappeared.
Watching where she disappeared, Jareth smiled an all too familiar smile. Suddenly, he shrank, his nose getting longer and his facial features getting uglier and more goblin-like until Hoggle himself was standing where the fake Jareth stood before him. "Serves you right, Sarah." Hoggle spoke to the wind. "No one messes with me and goes unpunished. Not even you."

Emmeline was flying over the Labyrinth, her fear of heights keeping her quiet, still, and with her eyes closed. Her lips were moving silently, for she was praying. Please don't let me die, please don't let me die, please don't let me die.
Fowler cackled loudly, forcing Emmeline to open her eyes. "Afraid of heights, are we?" He cackled.
"No," Emmeline said shakily. Fowler grinned a terrible grin and let the rope net slip from his fingers.
"Whoops," He cackled as Emmeline screamed. Fowler swooped down and grabbed the net when it was one inch from hitting the ground.
"Please," Emmeline pleaded. "Please let me go."
"No can do, sweetheart." Fowler said. "I would but Master Hoggle wants you to be delivered to him. Master said something about wanting to use you to torture Jareth." Fowler gave that awful laugh and lapsed into silence.
Emmeline carefully lay back against the rope net and tried to relax as she played Fowler's words over and over again in her head.
"What's he going to do to me?" Emmeline asked, dreading the answer she thought it would be.
Fowler turned and looked at her, and Emmeline thought she saw a glimmer of pity in his eyes. "You'll find out soon enough."

Sarah was fighting her way through branches once more, tears of hurt, humiliation, and betrayal streaming down her face.
How could he do this to me?! She cried to herself. I thought he changed! I loved him! How could I have been so stupid? I let my guard down, and he betrayed me and one of his minions stole Emmeline!
"Emmeline!" Sarah called. "Emmeline!"
"Mom!" was a response. "Mom! Help me!"
"Emmeline!" Sarah called back. "Emmeline, I'm coming!" Sarah ran even faster. A weak cry came to her left. "Mom!"
Sarah burst through the thicket that was separating her from Emmeline. She got a nasty surprise. Jareth and Emmeline were both tied and gagged. Hoggle was standing in front of them with a cruel smile across his face.
"Hoggle?" Sarah said, flabbergasted. "What are you doing here?"
Hoggle's face lost its smile and was replaced by raw fury. "To make you pay for betraying me to this...this rat!"
Sarah flinched back from the venom in Hoggle's voice. Hoggle went over to Emmeline and kicked her. Emmeline groaned with pain.
"No!" Sarah screamed, launching herself at Hoggle. Hoggle looked behind Sarah and nodded, and there were strong hands grabbing her wrists and binding them together quickly with rope.
Sarah looked behind her to see who her attacker was, but was thrown to Hoggle's feet before she got a good look.
Sarah looked at Hoggle, anger and bewilderment clear on her face.
"How could you?" Sarah asked softly. "You were my friend, Hoggle! What has become of you?"
Hoggle bent down on one knee, getting level with Sarah's face. "Sarah," He said in that soft voice of her old friend. "I am only like this because you betrayed me. I did everything I could to help you. I even had your daughter saved from plummeting to her death on the rock bridge, and this was how you repaid me? By scampering off with the tight-pant freak of your dreams? This is real life Sarah, not some stupid love story. Grow up. You're not a teenager anymore."
"You son of a-"
A gag was suddenly thrown across her mouth, stifling the rest of the insults she was going to throw at Hoggle. Hoggle started to laugh.
"Do you think mere words will hurt me, Sarah? No, I'm going to watch you, your daughter, and your lover fight for your lives against the Hydra, tied up!" Hoggle stood up and stepped back, laughing cruelly.
"Fowler," Hoggle said, looking at the goblin next to him, "Take them to the Hydra. Then you and I will take a seat, and watch them all die."

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now