Chapter 15

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"Wow, that was weird," Sarah said, still shocked at Hoggle. "What on Earth got into him?" A funny thought struck her, but she brushed it away. "Hoggle's just a friend. There's no way." She giggled to herself for a moment at the absurdness of the fleeting thought.
Sarah pulled herself up, stretching for a bit to wake her limbs up. The pins and needles struck mostly to her feet, but after a moment she was ready to go. She walked over to an open door leading to a jungle, hoping that she might catch Emmeline and Jareth as soon as possible.

Hoggle was in the throne room alone, hands over his ears and trying to gain control over himself. He wanted to scream, bite punch, and get all of his fury out on Jareth, the one who made Hoggle miserable for thirty years, who took away the only woman he ever loved. Okay, there was this one time with a girl goblin, but that was a long time ago. Hoggle thought to himself, forgetting his fury for a moment.
"Why, Sarah? Why would you do this to me, after everything I've done for you?" Hoggle screamed bitterly, pulling at his ears to prevent tears from spilling over. "No," Hoggle sobbed, "I can't go on like this. I have to get Sarah back on my side." A thought struck him. It was a brilliant plan, a magnificent plan, an intelligent plan. Hoggle's face spread into an evil grin.
"I've got to get Emmeline on my side..." He reached down, picked up a crystal, and called out powerfully, "Show me Emmeline's weakness."

Stopping by a stream they found in the seemingly endless jungle, Jareth cleaned and bandaged Emmeline's head wound.
"You think that we can find anything better than moss and vines for a bandage?" Emmeline asked jokingly, fingering her makeshift bandage.
Smiling, Jareth replied, "Afraid not."
They both got up and stretched their stiff limbs. "Well," Emmeline started, "As much as I love it here, and I do," She grinned at Jareth, "We can't stay. Better get a move on, beat those last hundred or so tasks, and kick Hog-head's butt. Let's just try not to get killed."
"I can't guarantee any casualties." Jareth said, eyes dark and humor gone. Emmeline didn't like his pessimistic outlook, but kept her mouth shut. She started to walk away from him, down the path ahead of her. When Jareth didn't follow, she turned her head and looked over her shoulder. He was still sitting by the creek, staring into the water head bowed.
"Well, come on!" Emmeline called, trying to lighten the mood. Jareth didn't move or answer. Just when Emmeline thought he was going to stay silent, he spoke.
"Go on ahead without me. I'll catch up. There's just-I need some time alone."
Emmeline nodded, and then walked away, giving Jareth space. As she walked away, she glanced over her shoulder periodically at him. At one point, she turned around to say something, but saw his shoulders shaking and knew that she had to leave him alone. There were just some walks you have to take by yourself. So she stopped glancing behind her, and walked on.
Half an hour later of solid jungle, Emmeline froze. The forest had ended and desert began, stopping at a single line a foot from Emmeline, as if there was an invisible wall separating the opposite habitats. One last time, Emmeline looked behind her, saw nothing, and then stepped over the line into the desert.
"Emmeline!" A familiar voice called out to her from the depths of the jungle. For a moment she thought it was Jareth, but no, the voice wasn't right. It sounded like-
"Aiden?" Emmeline called disbelievingly. Sure enough, a seventeen year old boy burst from the trees and into the jungle. His black hair was ruffled, his clothes torn and dirty. His beautiful ice blue eyes were searching Emmeline's face, and then landed on her bandage.
"My God," Emmeline's ex boyfriend whispered. He gently caressed Emmeline's bandage. "Who did this to you? I swear I'll kill him."
Emmeline was dumbstruck. "What-how-what-," Emmeline sputtered. "What are you doing here?"
Aiden looked at Emmeline, his eyes full of longing and sadness. "I- I came to get you back, Emmeline," He caressed her cheek. "I came by your house to apologize to you, and your mom told me everything. How you wished yourself away, and her conversation with hog, uh, Hoggle, and-,"
"Wait," Emmeline said, stepping back. "Why are you here? How did you even get here?"
Aiden ran a hand through is hair and sighed heavily. "When I went down to your house, your mom was hysterical and told me everything.. I freaked and wished myself away so that I could come after you. Then I met that dwarf guy and found out what was really going on. I can't let you die for some stupid guy, Emmeline."
Emmeline was stunned. "He isn't stupid. And I'm perfectly fine." She was so surprised and pleased by her ex's sudden appearance, she didn't question him further. She felt the ice around her heart melt.
"Are you, Emmeline?" Aiden replied, pointing to Emmeline's bandage. Her hand jumped to it.
"You don't know." Aiden said softly, dropping his hand and backing away from her.
"I don't know what, Aiden?"
He shook his head. "You don't know how he became King? What Jareth was like? What his life was like? Did he tell you that he abandoned his newborn daughter to be King? That he killed his family to stay in control? He's a horrible man, Emmeline, and I wish you could see that..." he paused. "You know his daughter."
Emmeline was confused. "No I don't."
Aiden shook his head, lowering his eyes. He sighed heavily, and then looked up at Emmeline with sad eyes.
"His daughter that he abandoned... is you, Emmeline."

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