Chapter 3

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"Goblin," Jareth called, adjusting his midnight coat. A goblin rushed in.
"Yes, My Lord?" the goblin asked, bowing deeply.
Jareth turned from the dirty mirror before him and looked at the tall, thin creature.
"How do I look?"
The goblin-- named Hoggle-- studied his master. His spiky blonde hair was showered with its usual glitter, his breeches black and proudly showing his masculinity. His dark grey poet shirt was tucked it, his strange amulet sitting on his chest. His knee-high black boots almost completely blended in with the breeches, and the torn cloak gave him the true Fae regalia. He looked like a proud lord, much like he used to. Hoggle bowed again.
"Absolutely terrifying Your Majesty. You will strike fear into the hearts of all the men, and lust into the hearts of the women. As usual, of course My Liege."
Jareth allowed himself a half-smile of affection to this brown-nosing goblin.
"See, Hoggle?" Jareth asked, turning back to the mirror, "This is why you are my favorite."
Hoggle grinned, hiding how much he loathed his master.
"Thank you, My Lord."
Jareth adjusted his cloak again, and brushed a strand of gold from his eyes. "Well, I best be going. Don't want to be late for the ball." he stepped off the platform he was on and strode out the double doors, leaving Hoggle alone in the room, plotting the assassination of the Goblin King.

The palace was magnificent. It had a large, cast-iron gate that lead into an expansive outdoor courtyard. The palace itself seemed to be made of fire opal, shimmering and changing color like solid water; changing and moving, but still and solid. It had seven towers, four at the entrance wall, three behind, giving it the appearance of Cinderella's castle, surrounded by trees like the castle in Neuschwanstein, Germany.
Jareth strode in through the open gates and was immediately greeted by his friend, King Archibald.
"Jareth! My goodness, it has been, what, a hundred fifty years?" Archibald grinned and thumped Jareth on the back. Archibald was Jareth's elder by fifty years, but appeared as ageless as Jareth. He had dark, thick red hair, and a generous bone structure. He had grown a bit since Jareth last saw him, due no doubt to the abundance of wealth and food he has been gifted with.
"Two hundred, Archibald." Jareth corrected, grinned back.
"My, my, you've gotten thin. Has something happened?" Archibald's eyebrows disappeared into his red hair. His thick Irish accent was filled with concern. "Ye ain't hurt, right? Nor any of your little goblins?"
Jareth smiled slightly, rubbing his friend's shoulder reassuringly.
"Not physically, Archibald, not physically, however certain minorities have lost their ways on leadership." Jareth removed his hand and clasped them together behind his back. Archibald looked at him a moment, puzzlement clear on his features (being friends with Jareth meant you were almost always confused with his constant riddles), but he was spared from saying anything more when a young girl strode forward.
"Ah, lad, meet me daughter, Isadora. Lassie, this is my friend, King Jareth of the Labyrinth."
Jareth's eyes widened and he straightened as he took into account Isadora's beauty. Unlike her father, she was tall and willowy, taking after her mother in her rich, dark hair and pale skin. She looked like a porcelain doll, with the slightly pink cheeks and red lips in stark contrast to her pale face. Her strange gold eyes darted to the floor when she saw Jareth, and a slight pink coloured her neck and face. She was wearing a light gold gown that brought out her eyes and the small golden leaves woven into her curled hair.
"Archibald, do you mind if I ask your daughter for a dance?" Jareth asked his friend, his eyes not leaving Isadora's face.
Archibald looked to his daughter, then to Jareth, and back to his daughter. A smile of understanding crossed his face.
"If I were to allow anyone to dance with my daughter, there would be no finer man than you, Jareth." On that note, Archibald left Jareth and Isadora.
Jareth offered a gloved hand to Isadora. "May I have this dance?" Jareth asked, smiling to her. She looked up and hesitantly took his hand. A smile crossed her lips as she shyly looked into his eyes through her thick, dark lashes. Jareth smirked in return and pulled her gently into the middle of the floor. He placed his other hand on her waist and guided her into a traditional ballroom dance. Many envious eyes followed them as they skirted throughout the room. All the other dancers immediately moved, giving Jareth and Isadora the floor while giving them a sight to behold. No Fae attending had ever seen Jareth be so taken with any woman. It was a shock to see him dancing with a woman, and Princess Isadora, no less!
Sensing the many eyes upon them, Jareth smiled to Isadora and slowly came to a stop. He leaned over to her ear.
"There are too many eyes here. Would you like to go to the fountain?" he whispered, his breath tickling Isadora's ear.
Isadora said nothing, just smiled and blushed. Jareth took that as a 'yes' and swept her out of the room and into the courtyard, shutting the doors firmly behind them.

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