Chapter 20

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Sarah was resting beside the trickling stream, her emerald eyes staring into the depths as if it would tell her all the secrets to this puzzle, this place.
He who is King... the stream seemed to whisper.
Sarah launched off of the rock she was resting on and waded up to her knees, soaking her jeans. To her misfortune, the bottom of the stream was coated in moss, so she slipped and fell, completely submerged in the crystal water.
Underwater, she started to surface for air, but a whispering voice at her ear brought her to a halt.
Sarah, the voice whispered, we know your darkest desires, your dreams. You thought you left them when he left you, but they still surround you, making you vulnerable to pain.
Sarah desired to hear more, but she needed to breathe. She surfaced, took a deep breath and dove back under.
Open your eyes, Sarah, and see the truth. The voice whispered. Sarah opened her eyes.

"Galina!" Gorade hollered. "Quick! We must help Emmeline!"
Galina hurled herself away from her post at the window and ran straight for a crystal. Emmeline was falling at a dangerous speed down the gorge. Without a word, Galina went straight to the large clock in the throne room and pushed the button in the center of the hands. Immediately, the clock stopped all time. Emmeline was frozen as well as the falling rocks. Galina immediately flashed into the scene, grabbed Emmeline roughly by her arms and placed her clinging to the rock that Jareth was standing on, his arm still outstretched to help her. Galina took Jareth's arm and clasped the hand on Emmeline's forearms firmly.
She disappeared back into the chamber and pushed the clock again. Immediately, time started going again.
All of the goblins stared at Galina, who thrust her chest out with pride but went back to the window.
All of the goblins hastily went back to their posts as Hoggle crashed through the door.

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now