Chapter 27

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"What?" Sarah was stunned, she couldn't think; couldn't breathe. Emmeline... tears welled up in her eyes. She just stared at Hoggle, hardly daring to believe it. "No..."
Her eyes flashed with anger, rage beyond belief.
"I can't believe this!" she screamed, standing up.
Hoggle stood as well and put a comforting hand on her arm. "I know, it's a lot to take in. Jareth will pay-"
"Not at him! You! You lying traitorous- agh!" Sarah half screamed.
Hoggle removed his hand quickly, stepping away from Sarah.
"Wh-what are ya talking about?" He was shaking, worried about what she had discovered.
"You! You've betrayed me! You've lied to me! I have defended you, stayed at your side, and this is what I get? Where's Emmeline? Really?" Sarah began to stare Hoggle down, whose face twisted.
He was silent a moment, then his face began to change. His eyes grew hard, his expression stony and emotionless. He looked back at her dead in the eyes.
"She is no longer your concern," He spoke woodenly. Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes and she left, down in the direction of her daughter and lover.
"After all I did for her..." Hoggle said angrily you himself, his pride wounded; his possible love dead as he wished Jareth to be.
"I saved her daughter, I helped her get through the Labyrinth to her, I helped her sixteen years ago as well, and this is how she repays me? By scampering off with some tight-pant jerk who kidnapped her baby brother?"
His voice was starting to rise. "Why can't she just see what I see in that creep? A villain! A villain! How can she not see him the way I do? Does she think he's some hot majestic hero who saves her daughter so can swoon at the sight of him while he gathers her in his arms? This isn't a fairy tale, Sarah! This is real life, and I will have my revenge!" Hoggle was yelling now.
Seething, Hoggle kicked a tree, only succeeding in making his anger flare up more powerfully and giving him a stubbed, if not broken, toe. Hoggle held his foot and started hopping around saying, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"
Suddenly, at the spot where Hoggle kicked the tree started to bulge, turning into an odd shape. Hoggle dropped his foot and peered closer at the strange formation that was growing out of the wood.
A head formed, and an exiled goblin named Fowler slowly formed and climbed out of the tree.
"Ahhhh..." He said in a scratchy, underused voice. "A little Goblin King to munch on." Fowler started forward slowly but threateningly.
"Stand back!" Hoggle commanded angrily.
"Or what?" Fowler mocked in a baby-like voice.
"Or you'll be sorry! I am your King!"
"King? King?! You are not my King! I have been shunned, banished into the Labyrinth, humiliated, and condemned. After all that, you still think that I will obey you, or anyone? Purely out of respect?"
Hoggle backed away from Fowler, warning sirens going off in Hoggle's mind about this goblin. While Fowler was ranting, Hoggle distinctly remembered Fowler getting banished off into the Labyrinth alone, and afterward delivering bad reports about missing goblins to their King. Hoggle himself had blown them off as just stories, but now he found himself in a sticky position where all of those goblin victims were captured.
Finally, Fowler finished his rant and his soulless eyes bore into Hoggle's without blinking once. Whilst watching Hoggle, Fowler reached from behind his back, tugged something off his wings, and pulled his hand back. Clutched in his gnarled fingers, was a handmade rope net made from bits and pieces found in the Labyrinth.
Hoggle gasped, for he knew what Fowler used that net for. "No! I will not be a victim!" Hoggle cried, and then vanished in a flash of light, once again in pursuit of Emmeline and Jareth.
Fowler checked everywhere to make sure Hoggle was gone. He put two fingers in his mouth and gave out a low whistle. Gorade holding one of Hoggle's crystals came out from behind a hedge. The two locked eyes and seemed to speak to another telepathically. Fowler nodded, then launched himself up into the air, and followed the failing Goblin King.

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