Chapter 9

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Present day
The throne room's noise was deafening but Jareth took no notice, other than to whack goblins with his riding crop when they came too close, and another for good measure. Instead, Jareth was thinking about Sarah, wishing their last encounter could've gone differently. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the spitball flying in his direction until it hit him high up on the cheek. Snapped abruptly back into reality, Jareth wiped the spitball off, disgust evident upon his handsome features. His burning blue-and-brown eyes searched murderously for the goblin responsible, who crumpled up into a small ball of fear. The goblins surrounding the victim scurried away like rats, terrified by Jareth's wrath.
"I'm so s-sorry M-My Lord," the goblin squeaked. Trembling, he watched as Jareth gracefully slid off his throne and onto the stone floor, walking steadily yet slowly to his prey. Isadora walked in, biting her lip anxiously. Her health had deteriorated somewhat since the miscarriage, she was thinner and had trouble breathing, but she was recovering. Even so, her emotions were fragile, and she observed the scene with fearful tears in her eyes.
Jareth's eyes were fixed unwaveringly on the goblin, not acknowledging his wife's appearance, silently promising brutal punishment. The goblins in the throne room were silent, watching, waiting for the inevitable strike that was to come. Jareth reached forward, grabbed the goblin by the neck of his stained smock, and lifted him up until the pair were eye-to-eye. Jareth had just conjured a crystal to attack him with when the throne room doors burst open and a hoard of goblins rushed in, lead by Hoggle.
Alarmed at the noise, a full-grown Emory showed up at the entrance his mother came in, a little breathless.
"What's going on, Father?" Emory asked, gasping like a fish from his run to the throne room.
Jareth ignored his son and addressed Hoggle directly.
"What is it? Have you come to relay a message?"
"Yes," Hoggle sneered. "From all the goblins to you."
Jareth waited, one eyebrow raised. "Well?" He asked when nothing happened.
Hoggle's lips curled into an evil grin. "I am taking over the throne as Ruler of the Goblin City and the Labyrinth."
The throne room chatter ceased, everyone stared between Jareth and Hoggle, waiting for Jareth's reaction. He looked stunned, but then he began to laugh. He dropped the goblin and held his stomach, laughing like a madman.
"Oh my..." Jareth straightened up and wiped a tear away. "Thanks for that, Hoggle. I needed a good laugh." he cleared his throat.
"I'm not saying that for your amusement, Jareth," Hoggle snarled, spitting out the King's name.
Jareth stared at him a moment, disbelief evident on his face. His eyes darkened, his features twisted into a sneer. He crossed his arms. "I'd like to see you try." he snarled back.
Hoggle smiled, showing all of his teeth. "Done."
As if it was a code word, every goblin in the room charged at Jareth, Emory, and Isadora.
Jareth's arms were yanked to his back, his shoulder popping from the force. Isadora and Emory were held the same way. Goblins all rushed forth on Jareth and began punching, kicking, and biting their abusive master. The Goblin Rebellion had begun. Hoggle pulled a short dagger from his smock and charged at Jareth, holding it high, intending to murder him while the other goblins held him down, pinning his arms behind his back. Jareth could only look up at Hoggle in hatred, his eye swelling, and waited to die.
"NO!" Isadora screamed. She wrenched herself away from the goblins holding her and ran in the path of the knife. It sliced into her stomach as easily as a hot knife through butter. She landed hard on her back at Jareth's feet, the knife jutting out of her belly.
"Isadora!" Jareth cried out, struggling to reach his wife as she lay dying not two feet from him.
"Mother!" Emory yelled desperately, struggling harder against the goblins' bony fingers, trying to reach his mother. Hoggle laughed cruelly at the family's distress. He sauntered over to Jareth and pulled a crystal from his vest. He put both hands on it and sneered at Jareth, who only had eyes for his dying wife.
"Send Jareth to New York City with the whore he betrayed his family for sixteen years ago." Jareth's head snapped up in horror.
"Father?" Emory whispered. Hoggle sneered and pointed at Jareth.
"Right now."

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now