Chapter 7

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The next morning, Jareth was in Sarah's bed, gently tracing patterns on her back. She was on his chest, sleeping soundly. Jareth's mind was racing and filled with guilt. How would Isadora react if she found out? She'd be disappointed and wouldn't look at me in the eye again. Sadness crossed his heart, but when he looked down at Sarah, he smiled, and the guilt and sadness were chased away. She was finally his.
His mind started to drift again, opening up some strange thoughts. Isadora and Sarah looked almost exactly alike; the only difference between the two was eye color. It was then that Jareth realized that his 'love' for Isadora was merely his love for Sarah, and he was in denial. His subconscious mind selected the woman who looked closest to Sarah.
Jareth gave a quiet laugh to himself. How predictable, he thought, that my subconscious would choose Sarah when I hated her so. Or so I thought. And hadn't I sworn to myself that I wouldn't give in? That I would remain cold and implacable? That didn't really work.
He gave a short laugh again, and Sarah stirred. She looked up at him sleepily and smiled.
"Mornin'," she yawned, snuggling back into his chest.
"Going back to sleep, are we?" Jareth smirked, pulling her tighter.
She smiled in response, her eyes closed. "Why not? It's so warm and comfy here."
"Well, yes, but I hear Emory, so I have to move; and I am sure you are hungry as well?" he smirked, hearing her stomach growl.
"Fine," Sarah muttered, pushing herself off of the bed and holding the blanket to her chest.
"Allow me to get dressed, and I'll meet you in the breakfast room." Jareth nodded and stood, suddenly dressed in his usual poet shirt, tights, and knee-high black boots.
"Show-off," Sarah muttered as Jareth strode out of the room. Laughter told her that he heard.
Jareth walked across the hall and into Emory's room. Sure enough, the child was crying, his blanket torn off as he wailed.
"Shh, Daddy's here Emmy. Shh, Daddy's got you." Jareth lifted Emory out of the crib and onto his him. He bounced him around for a moment until Emory stopped crying. Jareth smirked and left the room into the Escher staircase, taking the third door on the left wall. He strapped Emory into his high chair just as Sarah walked in, clothed in one of the dresses from her closet. It was a pale lavender color, fading into light green towards the hem, complimenting her green eyes and dark hair. She smiled and blushed at Jareth's look of approval.
"It suits you well," Jareth complimented as he slid in his chair at the head of the table. Sarah smiled and stood uncomfortably, unsure of where to sit. Jareth grinned and tapped his right hand on the table.
Sarah took the hint and sat at his right hand, in Isadora's usual seat. Together, all through breakfast they talked about everything and nothing, just glad to have some moments without tension or distrust. The servants came and went during the lulls of their conversation, and shot Jareth looks of disapproval. During one of these lulls, Sarah spoke softly about the inevitable.
"What happens to us when Isadora gets back?" she asked quietly, wringing her hands. She didn't make eye contact with Jareth; rather, she hid her face from him so he wouldn't see her tears.
Jareth was quiet. "I don't know."
"I felt so guilty this morning, considering how kind Isadora has been to me, and how I've repaid her." Sarah hung her head, her shoulders falling. "I just hated her so much... For everything she has... Everything I wanted. She was there for you when I wasn't. She married you, she carried your child. I... I can't compete with that. All I've done is hurt you, over and over. Now, I'll have to leave and I don't know if I'll ever see you again." tears spilled down her face and she bit her lip. "I just wanted to get close to you," she sobbed.
Jareth tried to smile, and he pushed her hair behind her ear with a bare hand, stroking her cheek. "You have competed with that," He said, "I am touching you without a barrier, without a cover. I gave my whole heart to you eight years ago, and you have kept it. I'm not about to let you go. However," he sighed, removing his hand from her face, "You are correct about your leaving. Isadora will be less than pleased if she discovers of our affair, and no doubt your husband--" Jareth scowled, "wouldn't be pleased. Speaking of which, why did he call you... What he called you?" he asked, an unpleasant thought crossing his mind, "And why did you yell for me?"
Sarah looked up at him. "My husband called me a whore because I allowed one of my guy friends to walk me home after we went to a movie with a couple other friends. I kissed his cheek to thank him, and Robert saw. He thought I was cheating on him." she snorted, "He got it half right. And I called for you because, well, I needed help, and you were the first one to pop into my head."
Jareth's eyes suddenly went cold and his face stony. "That sounds just like you, Sarah. Always asking things of me. Always expecting me to be the hero. To follow you like a lost puppy." he spat the words, as if they were full of snake venom. Sarah was appalled.
"Jareth, what-?"
"Is that why you slept with me? To manipulate me?" He was standing now, his voice a deadly calm in contrast to his frame shaking with rage and pain. "What's next?"
"Are you going to tell my wife that I seduced you? That you are the victim, and I'm the villain? Are we going to pick up where we left off eight years ago?" he was yelling now, "DO YOU THINK THIS IS SOME KIND OF A GAME?"
Jareth hit his chair with his palm and sent it crashing to the ground. Startled by the noise and his father's rage, Emory began to cry. Jareth walked over to him and picked him up.
"Hush," He said, his face smoothing out to a gentleness Sarah had never seen before. "There now, you are safe." The child quieted almost instantly. Jareth looked up at Sarah again, but the vulnerability was gone. It was as if a wall had dropped behind his eyes, and he was hiding himself behind it.
"We will find you a home when Isadora gets back." he turned and disappeared around a corner, leaving Sarah in the breakfast room alone, wondering what just happened. As quickly as his mood changes used to be, they were never this violent or abrupt.
"What did I say?" she asked the empty room. The only answer was the stinging of her own heart.

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