Chapter 30

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"Where are they? Where are they?" Hoggle was panicking, he could feel his magic leaving him slowly, making him unable to just appear and disappear further than 10 feet. He knew he had been betrayed, he knew Jareth was at the Hydra's home, the last task, and he couldn't do a thing about it.
"Hello again. Trying to run away from our problems, are we?" Fowler's voice said from behind him. "Poor little failing Goblin King." His voice was the babyish at first but grew harsh and cruel when Fowler snarled the last four words. Hoggle was shaking in his shoes, but tried not to how his fear to this murderous goblin. Hoggle slowly turned around and faced Fowler and gave him an angry look, though it lacked all the fury it needed to be convincing. "I will give you one... last... chance, Fowler. Leave me be, or there will be serious consequences, a lot worse than being banished and snubbed."
Fowler's cruel grin rose even higher, giving him the look of the Grinch. "Like what?" Fowler's eyes dared Hoggle to go on.
"I will... I will..." Hoggle looked at his hands, wishing they held the same power they did when Jareth was kicked off the throne and cast out of the Labyrinth.
"Can't think of anything, can you?" Fowler sneered. Suddenly, Hoggle was struck by a thought.
"Fowler," Hoggle started, "How would you like to be unbanished and unsnubbed?"
Fowler looked at Hoggle, confused. "Go on." Fowler said cautiously.
"If you help me get Emmeline, Sarah, and Jareth, I will take away your banishment, and you will be one of the most honored goblin in the Labyrinth. I'm thinking... second-in-command?"
Fowler put the tips of his fingers together and surveyed Hoggle with his black, critical eyes.
"Deal?" Hoggle pried, holding out a hand in a gesture of companionship.
Fowler was completely still and then, ever so slowly, he extended his right hand and shook with Hoggle.
"Deal." Fowler rasped. The cruel grin came back to his features. "I will... take care... of them."

"A what?" Sarah whispered in horror.
"Back up. Oh, please back up!" Emmeline whispered, her panic breaking through her bravado. Sarah and Jareth backed out of the tunnel until they were outside the wall again.
"What was it?" Sarah asked her daughter, whose face was whiter than paper.
"A... It looked like a Hydra."
"Like in the Greek myths?" Sarah asked, starting to understand why Emmeline panicked in the tunnel. Emmeline just nodded, lapsing into silence.
"This must be the last Task," Jareth said. "But which task is it?"
"It must be strength. Hercules defeated it, and he was half god. He almost died in the process though. How are we going to kill this thing?" Sarah muttered impatiently.
"Here's some advice, don't cut off any of its heads." Emmeline said, taking her face away from her arms.
"Why?" Jareth asked.
"Because two will grow back in its place. Two each, making you have to fight double than last time."
"Yeah, that wouldn't be good. Let's try to avoid that."
Suddenly there was a whoosh of air above them, throwing their hair around their faces in an eerie dance.
"Who's there?" Jareth asked powerfully, searching the skies. Fowler dive-bombed straight out of the sky and landed gently in front of Jareth without making a sound.
"Me." Fowler cackled. "How may I be of assistance?"
"Fowler! Oh my, it's so nice to see a familiar face. Um... how are you?" Jareth faltered.
"Fine. In fact, great. Master Hoggle has offered me a deal. So..." Fowler suddenly flew over to Emmeline and, before anyone could react, scooped her up in one of his nets.
"No!" Sarah hollered, launching herself at Fowler.
Seeing her advance, Fowler flew up into the sky out of reach, the net holding Emmeline, who was fighting with all her might to escape.
"Adios old King!" Fowler hollered in Jareth direction. "Your days are numbered. Or should I say hours? You have half of one, by the way. Farewell!" With one last evil cackle, Fowler flew away, out of sight.

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now