Chapter 25

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"Oh no," Guthrye muttered to himself, panicking. Guam skirted over to see what on Earth Guthrye was stressing out about.
"What's wrong?" Guam asked, smirking.
"Emmeline's missing!" Guthrye screamed, eyes wide with terror. Guam's smirk slid off his face faster than melted butter down a flagpole.
"What?!" Guam cried, panicking as well. "What happened?"
"I don't- oh, crap," Guthrye whispered. Sweat poured down his face. Guam turned to see Hoggle standing there, looking murderously at the pair.
"Emmeline's gone?!" Hoggle screamed, losing his cool. "What the hell happened? What is wrong with you imbeciles?! Isn't watching a teenage girl easier than tricking her? You will pay for your stupidity!" Hoggle pointed a finger at the pair, and with one last agonized scream and a blinding flash of light, the two were incinerated.
Hoggle rounded on the other goblins, who were staring at their murdering King with horror, and barked, "Where is she? Do I at least have one capable goblin in this damn castle?"
"Yes, Sir," a small goblin squeaked from the silent crowd. The goblins all parted until the small goblin, named Gorade, in Hoggle's line of vision. Hoggle stalked like a predator to Gorade, enjoying the rush of power as he watched the little goblin shake. Hoggle bent down to eye level with the goblin and asked, "Where is she?"
Gorade was silent for a moment, until he finally squeaked, "She is with Jareth, approaching the third task," Hoggle rose an eyebrow. "Sir," Gorade finished almost inaudibly. Hoggle laughed and stood up, pushing Gorade to the ground in the process.
Hoggle turned on his heel and melted into the all in pursuit of Emmeline and Jareth. As soon as Hoggle disappeared, all of the goblins rushed in on Gorade all at once, some helping him, others cursing him.
"You've condemned us all!"
"How could you?"
"Hoggle is so cruel!"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Gorade yelled impatiently, sounding like a mouse getting stabbed with a fork. "I'm sorry, I dint' mean to tell Master where the young girl was, but I was scared that he was going to take it out on me if I kep' quiet."
"Why would he take it out on you?" a goblin from the crowd rudely called.
"Because, Guam was my dad."
Instant uproar. "Mutiny!" a female goblin named Galina cried.
"We need to get rid of our murderous King!" Gorade squeaked.
All of the goblins agreed and huddled together to formulate a plan.

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