Chapter 8

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"Jareth?" a slight knocking on his doors. Jareth was lying in his bed, an open book in his hands and a crystal suspended above him, giving of light. It was night, the darkened sky rumbling with distant thunder.
Jareth looked up from his book but did not reply.
"Jareth?" another soft knock, "Please let me in."
"What is it?" Jareth snapped.
The door creaked open, Sarah standing in the doorway. She had a cream nightgown on, the long, lace sleeves ending at her wrists, the neck going up just under her chin. She was wringing her hands again, her hair loose around her waist. Her emerald eyes searched his face beseechingly.
"Jareth, please, tell me what I did wrong. I don't understand."
Jareth's face hardened. "You used me, that's what happened." He turned his eyes back to his book.
Jareth snapped the book shut. "You only called to me because I was the first face that popped in your head? How did you even know I was going to help you? How did you know I even heard you?"
"Because you came," she said simply. "I didn't call you just because I needed help. I called you because I knew you would protect me, even after all I put you through. I called you and only you because I needed you."
"To be your pawn," Jareth finished bitterly.
"To be mine," she contradicted gently. She sat down on his bed and pushed his hair from his face. He didn't pull away, but his eyes were filled with undisguised distrust and a hint of fear.
Jareth sat up, propped on his elbow, and put a hand on her cheek. Eyes still hard, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her forward, lips touching hers fiercely. She melted, putting her hands on his chest, feeling the beating of his heart. His other hand grasped her legs and pulled her onto his lap. He broke their kiss and smirked.
"Sorry for blowing up at you," he whispered, touching his forehead to hers and shutting his eyes. "I was just afraid you'd leave me again. To tell me things that I've thought were true for six years."
"Like what?" she breathed.
His smile fell. "That you never loved me; you only toyed with me to get your brother. That you would never love me, that you were disgusted by me."
Sarah smoothed her hand on the back of his neck and pulled herself closer.
"I would never, ever conceive such lies," she whispered, kissing his nose. Jareth smiled and held her by the crooks of her arms. There they sat for a while, just relaxing. After a while, Sarah climbed off him and on the bed next to him. She laid her head on his chest and fell asleep while he finished his novel.

"Sire, breakfast is ready for you in the..." Hoggle came to the door to announce breakfast to his master when he saw another figure in the bed, one that was not the King's wife. Pain stabbed Hoggle straight in the heart, a newfound hatred to his friend sparking his jealousy into an uncontrollable flame.
"Why, Sarah! My apologies, your highness, I didn't realize you were, um, busy." His voice was hard and his eyes cold.
Jareth sat up, Sarah as well.
"Hoggle!" Jareth cried out, looking panicked. Sarah caught on and fear flitted through her face. Hoggle turned hastily and sped from the room, but Jareth was faster. He lifted him by the scruff of his neck and held him up to Jareth's eyes.
"You will not breathe a word of this encounter to anyone, goblin, human, or Fae.
"Understood?" Jareth snapped, putting on his fiercest expression. Hoggle half-smiled.
"Yes, My Lord. I shan't breathe a word of your affair to Queen Isadora, no. That would shatter her heart, would it not?"
Jareth dropped him abruptly. "It won't happen again. I can guarantee it. No reason to tell Isadora." Jareth then shooed him out, but before Hoggle left, he turned his head and looked at Sarah with anger and hurt. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead he left, leaving the door wide open.
"Ohmigod," Sarah gasped, her hands over her mouth. Her wedding ring shone in the morning light, catching Jareth's eye. He instinctively looked down at his own left hand, the ring a stark reminder to his promises.
"We cannot do this anymore, Sarah," Jareth said, looking away from his ring. "We are both promised to others. This is... An abomination. We must end and give vows for this to never happen. We must go back to cold indifference. It is what's best." He bent down and picked up his gloves, pulling them on hastily.
"But, you love me! Not her! Don't go back to her!" Sarah cried out desperately, reaching for her love.
"I do love you," Jareth murmured, "Which is why this must stop. You will go back to your... Husband... And I will go back to my wife."
"I can't go back to him! He'll hit me again!" Sarah's eyes welled with tears. She followed Jareth's gaze and saw that he was looking at her ring. She wrenched it off her hand and flung it out the open window, into the depths of the Labyrinth. "I belong to you! Only you! Please, don't leave me. Not again."
Jareth was quiet, staring out the window to the breaking dawn.
"No! Please, don't do this to me! I love you! Don't send me back into the world alone! Please! Jareth, say you love me." she broke down into rasping sobs, her hands covering her face. Without a sound, his arms were around her, stroking her hair, holding her close. One tear slipped from his eyes and disappeared into her hair. He held her like that for what seemed like ages.
A choking sound brought Jareth back to reality. He turned, and saw Isadora's disbelieving face in the doorway.
"Isadora!" Jareth gasped, letting go of Sarah, who lost her balance and tumbled off the bed, the sheets still clutched to her bare chest. Isadora just looked at them, closed her mouth, and left the room.
"Oh, no," Sarah said, fresh tears breaking from her eyes, looking up at Jareth from the cold stone floor. Jareth didn't even look at her; he just dashed from the room and after his wife.

"Dora! Dora, please, let me explain." Jareth yelled as he chased after her. He followed Isadora with difficulty, finally catching up to her in the ruins.
"Isadora, please." he spoke softly, grabbing her shoulders. Tears silently streamed down her face.
"Why?" was her only question. Jareth tried to pull her into a hug, but she shoved him away.
"Why?" she demanded, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Her sweet face was contorted with distrust and humiliation. "I leave for a week to visit my dying mother, and I come home to this? What the hell happened?"
Jareth was silent.
"I'm giving you a chance to explain, so, dammit, explain!" Isadora yelled, her hands in fists at her side.
Jareth looked her straight in the eyes. "I made a mistake, that much is obvious." he started. Then he told her the whole story, spilling even his darkest desires and dreams, his nightmares, his secret longing and hatred for Sarah. He admitted everything, even what happened eight years ago and why Sarah could easily persuade him. When he finished, Isadora was silent. Her eyes dried, and her expression was impossible to decipher.
Then she smiled, like the sun breaking through dense clouds. She put her hand on his cheek.
"Jareth..." tears welled in the corners of her gold eyes. "There's something I should tell you, but I didn't want to tell you in this context."
"What?" Jareth asked, fear in his eyes.
Isadora's smile brightened. "We... I... I found out when I was with my mother... Jareth, we're going to have a baby."
Jareth's eyes widened. He grinned and lifted his wife in the air by her waist, spinning in circles. He pulled her down and the pair embraced.
"I'm so sorry," Jareth whispered in her ear.
"I forgive you. And I love you very much." She whispered back, "I'm sorry I don't say it enough."
"I love you too," Jareth whispered back, guilt washing over him. "I'm sorry I lost track of what's important."
"It's alright."
The couple embraced for a while, then pulled apart. "Want to see our son?" Jareth asked, his smirk warning Isadora of something.
"Was that a question?"
"Maybe?" she giggled.
Jareth grinned. "Alright, but he's a wiley one when it comes to his crystals and riding crop."
Jareth grinned again. "He's all but claimed them when he slobbers all over them like a dog."
Isadora giggled again and walked with her husband to her son's room, oblivious to the fact that Sarah was standing outside the door to the ruins, sobbing silently as she fled to her room; crying from a broken heart.

About a month later, Sarah was given a small house in New York City from the Goblin King and Queen. Isadora was still being very sweet to Sarah, regarding that she slept with Isadora's husband. As hard as Sarah tried, Jareth did not meet her eyes or even speak to her. Just before they disappeared, Jareth slipped something smooth and round into her hand. He looked up into her eyes and mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' they melted into the daylight, leaving Sarah at her doorstep with the last gift Jareth gave her, or so she thought.

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