Chapter 6

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"She's very quiet," Isadora observed while she sat in her usual place next to Jareth. She was sitting relaxed at the chair like Jareth, bouncing Emory in her lap.
"She is a cunning, devious woman who hunts for sympathy and lust. An everyday femme fatale, and I was weak enough to fall for it six years ago. Not anymore." he smiled and leaned over to his wife, stroking her cheek lightly.
"This is a new story," Isadora laughed, leaning her head on his gloved hand. "How is she a femme fatale?"
Jareth sighed and leaned back. "Well-" he stopped and looked towards the door at the sound of someone eavesdropping.
Sarah was standing in the doorway, her head down and her face reddening. She heard every word. Jareth smirked callously, relishing her discomfort.
Isadora looked to her husband in confusion, wondering what it is about Sarah Williams caused him to act that way. She looked back to Sarah, smiled warmly to try to compensate for her husband's unusually cruel nature and stood, passing the squirming child to Jareth as she greeted her guest. Jareth looked down at Emory and bounced the child conjuring a crystal for him to play with, not even glancing at Sarah as she sat down at the far end of the table.
"Sarah! I'm glad you could join us. The food should be ready soon, just let me go check with the chef." she smiled at her husband. "You know how Paddle can be." he smiled in return as his wife sauntered into another room, her long skirts swishing as she walked. The doors closed, and Sarah was left alone with Jareth and Emory, who had just been placed gently on the ground at Jareth's feet. There was a long, awkward silence as Jareth avoided her gaze.
"Thank you," Sarah whispered.
"For what?" Jareth asked, fiddling with his glove, not even sparing a glance in her direction as she spoke.
"For saving me." She said softly, trying not to get irritated at his lack of attention to her.
He snorted. "I didn't do it for you," he sneered, finally looking at her. His eyes were cold, "I did it for Isadora. She begged me to help you. I was all to willing to let you deal with your soul mate on your own." Sarah's eyes widened.
He went back to fiddling with his glove, leaving Sarah feeling like crap. She slammed her hand on the table in frustration and stood while he just sat there. How dare he treat me like this?
"What is wrong with you?" she yelled, "You've never been this cold, this cruel! You are being horrible to me! What did I do to deserve this?"
Jareth just looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "You don't know what you did?" he asked quietly. Inside, he was a volcano, exploding with anger and pain.
"I'll tell you what you did." Jareth snapped, standing up. He slowly started to walk around the table towards her, throwing accusations at her each step.
"You wished the child be taken, but called me the villain when I granted your wish. You turned my subjects against me. You tantalized me with your dreams. You undermined me before my subjects. I offered you the world, and you destroyed mine. I kept your friend alive when I so desired to kill him. You married another man! You shoved me to the brink of insanity! How do you not know what you did to me? You deserve this and more! You are only here because my wife is asking me to let you stay. I could care less if that wifebeater beat you bloody. It pales in comparison to what you did to me." his voice grew steadily louder, "You left me to face the world alone! I gave you everything and you gave me nothing! I did everything for you! I fell in love with you that day, and you shattered my heart! I destroyed my Labyrinth! I killed goblins! I-was-alone!" he was an inch from her face when he straightened and regained control. Emory started to cry, so Jareth turned on his heel, his body tense, and picked him up.
"That is what you did. This is why I treat you as I rightfully should." He looked away to hide the tears in his eyes and stalked out of the room with Emory, leaving Sarah alone with his accusations ringing in her ears. Just then, Isadora walked into the dining room.
"I heard yelling and... oh..." she stopped when she saw Sarah sobbing in her hands. Isadora walked to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Sarah threw it off and stood, throwing her chair down behind her.
"You don't understand anything!" she yelled, "Just leave me alone!" she turned and fled the room, fleeing from the dreams that became her worst nightmare.

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now