Chapter 8

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After Izuku woke up from his nap, he and Mordred had a little race back home which Izuku was just barely able to to win as Mordred was not too far behind.

Mordred: "Damnit, so close."

Izuku: "Hey, you're getting faster and faster. You'll should be able to outrun me if you keep this up Firecracker."

Mordred: "Really, you're bringing that name up again?"

Izuku: "What? It's cute."

Mordred: "It's embarrassing, especially when my mom calls me that."

Izuku: "Again, it's cute."

Mordred blushed and she playfully hit Izuku's shoulder which made him laugh as he opened the door and went inside, and upon reaching the living room, they saw the beans playing video games with Denji and saw Sona sitting beside Rias.

Mordred: "Sona?"

Sona: "Been a while Mordred."

Izuku: "Fancy seeing you here. So, what brings you here?"

Sona: "Just came by to visit."

Izuku: "Huh, that's new, no business stuff going on. So, I take it you know about the whole, you know?"

Sona: "I do."

Izuku: "Yep, figures. I swear, is there anything you don't know?"

Mordred: "Not being embarrassed by her sister comes to mind."

Izuku: "Fair point."

Denji: "Hey Izuku, you have a phone I can use? I have to call some friends."

Izuku: "Yeah, home phone's in the kitchen."

Denji: "Thanks."

Denji got up to use the home phone as Izuku sat down with Mordred sitting on his lap as Akeno grabbed onto his arm.

Akeno: "So, how was your date~"

Mordred: "Fun. We hit the arcade, got food and did all the usual stuff. Of course Iida just HAD to ruin it!"

Kyoka: "Of course he did."

Rumi: "And he wonders why no one voted for him to be the class rep."

Sona: "Just how bad is this Iida anyway?"

Momo: "Look at it like this Sona, imagine you as a guy but bordering on a full on dictator who wants to turn the world into 1984, and is a total hypocrite."

Izuku: "Yeah, he goes on and on about having to follow the rules but immediately tried to murder Stain after he crippled his brother."

Kyoka: "The hypocrisy and double standards of that guy is insane. And he tried to force one of our friends into a quirk marriage with him!"

Rias: "Makes you look not so strict, does he Sona?"

Sona: "He just sounds incredibly petty."

Izuku: "Hell, during the entrance exam, he interrupted Present Mic right when he was going to explain how the zero pointer worked just to flex his fragile ego."

Eri: "He's a mean poopy head!"

Poka: "He just insulted Papa just because Papa likes having fun."

Melty: "He even insulted Mommy Rumi for her quirk."

Rumi: "That was really rich coming from the guy with pipes coming out of his legs. God, I wanted to just knock those glasses off his smug face."

Mordred: "Like Izuku said, guy's a massive hypocrite."

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