Chapter 14

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Izuku: "Your sister?!"

Izuku and the others, with the exception of Rias, Akeno and Kiba were all shocked to learn Koneko has an sister as she had an extremely uneasy look on her face, prompting Kalina to hug her.

Issei: "I'm guessing it's an extremely sensitive topic for her?"

Rias: "That's an understatement and a half, Issei."

Rias looked at Koneko, and all she got was just a nod as she turned to the others, while Kalina knew this wouldn't be easy for Koneko to handle as she left the room with her.

Rias: "It's a bit of a long story, but to make it short, Koneko and her older sister Kuroka were taken in by a devil from the branch family of the House of Naberius, which Kuroka was reincarnated as the bishop."

Momo: "Sounds normal so far."

Rias: "Things went normal until one day, Kuroka seemingly let all her power get to her head, leading to her killing her master and resulting in a massive manhunt for her. But it failed and Koneko ultimately was sentenced to death."

Rumi: "The hell, why was she sentenced?! She didn't do a damned thing!!"

Rias: "They were all afraid of Koneko possibly becoming such a massive threat, though thankfully my brother came to her defense and smacked sense into everyone's heads. And afterwards, he left Koneko in my care, but the damage was already done."

Izuku: "Oh my god."

Rias: "All that trauma Koneko experienced lead to her having a deep depression, and she would have lost all her emotions if I didn't help her out of it. . . . mostly."

Stella: "What's that supposed to mean Rias?"

Rias: "There's still a part of Koneko that's afraid of herself, causing her to not fully utilize her true potential. I tried to help her get past that but I never got far enough, I'm not like Izuku in that regard."

Everyone was shocked to hear what Koneko went through while Izuku just clenched his fist out of anger, while Kalina overheard everything from the room she and Koneko were in as she also clenched her fist out of anger as her eyes turned to dark yellow.

Kalina: 'I swear, if I ever get my hands on her, I'll make her suffer for all the pain she put Koneko through! Families aren't supposed to abandon each other!"

Shortly afterwards, Dante began training them all to get them all into shape, and to say it was intense would be an understatement.

Dante really put them through the ringer, but not to the point they'll have lots of pain and temporary trauma for a few days, with the exception of Izuku, Kalina and Mordred.

Stella: *panting* "Holy hell, I don't remember Dante's training sessions being that strenuous."

Rias: "Y-Yeah. And I thought I'd get used to them by now, but nope."

Mordred: "Oh, quit being babies about it, it's not that bad. Me, Izuku and Kalina are perfectly fine."

Momo: "Oh don't you start Mordred, you don't count!"

Kyoka: "Yeah, Izuku and Kalina are just really used to that. As for you, your parents are far from normal with most of the things they can do!"

Mordred: "Oh quit your bitching, Kyoka. Not my fault my parents taught me well."

Kyoka: "I'll bitch to my hearts content, thank you very much."

Koneko was laying on the couch in lots of pain from the training while Kiba was on the ground, looking at the ceiling with a look on his face that looked like he was questioning all his life choices.

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