Chapter 4

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Nero and Kalina landed in front of her home and went inside as they saw Kalina's mother Lady resting on the couch before getting up.

Nero and Kalina landed in front of her home and went inside as they saw Kalina's mother Lady resting on the couch before getting up

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Kalina: "Hey Mom."

Lady: "Hey sweetie, Nero."

Nero: "Auntie."

Kalina put her bag on the table as she stretched a bit as the little beans ran towards their aunt as Kalina opened her arms for a hug as she hugged her adorable nieces.

Eri: "Aunt Kalina!"

Alas: "Huggies!"

Poka: "Auntie Kalina, uppies!"

Kalina smiled as she lifted Poka and Melty as both smiled as Lady grabbed her chest as a joke and laughed as Eri hopped onto the table and tried to see what Kalina bought as she playfully pulled the bag out of Eri's reach.

Kalina: "Nice try Eri, you aren't going to spoil your stomach before lunch."

Eri: "Awww, you're no fun Auntie."

Kalina: "Aw, don't worry Eri. We'll immediately make candy apples after lunch."

Eri: *gasp* "Ok Auntie!"

Eri sat at the table as Lady smiled as she finished making lunch as Alas thought of something she wanted to know.

Alas: "Uh Grandma?"

Lady: "What is it, my light Moonlight?"

Alas: "How did Papa and Mommy Rias meet?"

Lady: "Well, Izuku and Rias knew each other since they were kids, along with Momo, Kyoka and Mordred."

Alas: "Wait, what about Mommy Rumi and Mommy Akeno?"

Lady: "Oh, Izuku met them later on. Izuku met Rumi when they started middle school and met Akeno after he, Rias and your grandpa saved her life."

Alas: "Papa must have sweeped Mommy Akeno off her feet like a knight in shining armor."

Lady: "Oh trust me he did. And I remember seeing how jealous Rias was seeing Akeno clinging onto him."

Alas: "So, how did Papa make them fall in love with them?"

Lady: "Well, because he cares about all of them for who they aren't, not because of their bodies, status or anything shallow like that. That, and your father's charming, kind and funny."

Alas: "Uh huh, Papa's really funny."

Poka: "Wait Grandma, how did you fall in love with Grandpa?"

Lady: "Well, the time I met him, he helped me see how naive I was at that point. And never tell your grandpa this, but his jokes and witts are pretty funny."

Poka: "Lips sealed Grandma."

Lady smiled as she placed lunch on the table as the little beans smiled and started eating along with Kalina and Nero.

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