Chapter 3

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The next day came around as Izuku was sleeping with Stella and Akeno on both sides as all three were completely naked as they woke up before Stella kissed Izuku on the cheek.

Stella: "You were incredible last night Ikki."

Izuku: "Glad you're happy Stella."

Akeno: "You did get a little too carried away with Stella Izuku."

Izuku: "Aw, are you a bit jealous Akeno?"

Akeno *blushing* "N-No!"

Izuku smiled and laughed before kissing Akeno on the cheek as they all got dressed and headed downstairs, seeing Kyoka relaxing on the couch listening to music while Momo and Rias were making breakfast.

Rias: "Morning sleepy heads."

Izuku: "When did you wake up?"

Rias: "About half an hour before you did. And you still look cute in your sleep Izu."

Izuku: *blushing* "Rias. . ."

Momo: "Also, I couldn't help overhearing your big finish, bravo Zuwu."

Momo smiled before kissing Izuku on the cheek as he was a bit flustered.

Izuku: "Yeah, that still sounds weird, no matter who says it."

Akeno: "Where's Rumi and Mordred?"

Momo: "Oh, they're training downstairs."

Stella: "Makes sense."

Izuku walked to Kyoka and kissed her and was about to lay on her lap before the doorbell rang as Izuku was slightly annoyed being interrupted as he wondered who it was and looked out the window to see Shoto and Ochaco waiting outside as Izuku opened the door and let them in.

Izuku: "Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

Shoto: "We're not interrupting anything are we?"

Izuku: "No, not really. We're about to have breakfast."

The two walked in and it was pretty clear that Ochaco was in an extremely bad mood as her face was bright red and she was muttering to herself.

Izuku: "Uh, you alright Ochaco?"

Ochaco: "Oh, I'm great Izuku! I'm just feeling fucking peachy today! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M ALRIGHT?!"

Izuku: "Woah, woah, calm down, just asking."

Ochaco: *sigh* "Sorry Izuku, I'm just so fucking pissed off!"

Momo: "Really, we couldn't tell."

Rias: "Momo, save the sass for later."

Akeno: "Well, what happened? Must be really bad if she's swearing. She almost never does."

Shoto: "It's Iida."

Izuku: "Oh, what did that four eyed asshole do this time? Tried to suspend you two because he's jealous?"

Momo: "Tried flexing his family's influence again?"

Kyoka: "Tried to make it seem like he's better than Shoto when he clearly isn't?"

Shoto looked at his friends before looking back to Ochaco was still fuming.

Shoto: "You want to tell them or should I?"

Ochaco: "You do it sweetie. Just thinking about that jerk is about to make me snap."

Shoto: *sigh* "He wants to put Ocha into a quirk marriage with him."

Izuku: "What?"

Rias: "You're joking right?"

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