Chapter 9

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Sirzechs sat down before Dante and Vergil as Dante walked towards the fridge to grab a drink.

Dante: "Want a beer Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs: "Thank you Dante, I could use a drink."

Dante grabbed a beer from the fridge as he gave it to Sirzechs as he sat down as Vergil was the one who started their discussion.

Vergil: "So, what's the issue at hand Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs: "Well, recently there's been a number of very unusual events occurring in the underworld."

Vergil: "How unusual are we talking?"

Sirzechs: "Well, there has been a number of attacks that have occurred in the underworld, but everyone we apprehended the ones responsible for the attacks, they all calmed they that no idea what they did, and we had them put under powerful lie detecting magic, and all of them were being honest."

Dante: "So, someone's using mind control on unsuspecting devils to make them do their own dirty work."

Vergil: "We just need to discover who's behind this and why they're doing this."

Sirzechs: "But that's not the scary part."

Dante: "Then care to explain what is?"

Sirzechs: "Myself along with the other Devil Kings believe that this is the work of the Control Devil."

Dante and Vergil jumped out of their seats, looking at each other in shock before turning their attention back to Sirzechs who took a sip of his beer.

Dante: "Are you absolutely sure that is the case?"

Sirzechs: "Not entirely sure yet, but it seems to be the most likely option. After all, the Control Devil is well documented for being eerily proficient in mind control."

Vergil: "Father did admit that he witnessed the Control Devil's powers being used up close once which actually made him a bit nervous."

Dante: "Let's say your hunch that this is the Control Devil's work, what's the end goal exactly?"

Sirzechs: "Honestly I couldn't tell you Dante, although my best guess would be to take control of the underworld."

Vergil: "That would indeed make sense."

Sirzechs: "Look Dante and Vergil, I know that I'm asking a lot from you two but I have a feeling more attacks will happen, so could you two be on stand-by to help incase that happens?"

Dante: "We'll do it."

Vergil: "We may not have a special connection to the underworld the way our father does, it still holds a place in our family."

Sirzechs: "Thank you so much you two, I'll do whatever I can do to pay you back for this."

Vergil: "Well, helping Rias get a better judge of character would be nice."

Sirzechs: "Oh, I see this is about the issue of Rias' pawn. Well, from what she's told me he does seem to be rough around the edges, but I think he's actually a good person underneath."

Vergil: "With all due respect Sirzechs, that boy only seems to only care about getting laid and being extremely petty. I fail to see how he could secretly have a heart of gold."

Dante: "Well to be fair Vergil, the dude's still a kid. Granted he should know better by this point but I'm just saying he's just been hanging with the wrong people most his life."

Vergil: *sigh* "I swear you and Sirzechs are too optimistic for your own good Dante. But the point remains that something should be done about this Issei Hyoudou since he's in possession of the power of the Red Dragon Emperor. While he may be currently be weak there's a chance he could find the motivation to become extremely powerful."

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