Chapter 10

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Dante and Vergil were waiting in the office with their parents, Lady, Vergil's wife Kat as they were waiting for one more person as said person arrived, that being Mordred's mother Artoria.

Dante and Vergil were waiting in the office with their parents, Lady, Vergil's wife Kat as they were waiting for one more person as said person arrived, that being Mordred's mother Artoria

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Artoria: "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"

Dante: "No, we were waiting for you to get here."

Artoria sat down with the others as Dante and Vergil told them what Sirzechs told them about the sudden raise of demons acting mad out of nowhere. And after telling them what they were told, they said to discuss.

Kat: "So, there's been demons suddenly going mental in the underworld recently and Sirzechs thinks the Control Devil is behind it?"

Dante: "Well, there's no hard evidence to proof it but he's pretty sure that's the case."

Sparda: "Well, Sirzechs is definitely on the money with that guess. I've seen the Control Devil's powers up close once before and let me tell you, her powers are so strong, she's made good people I've met over the years do things they would not have done of their own free will."

Vergil: "When was the last time you battled the Control Devil father?"

Sparda: "Around 100 years ago give or take."

Artoria: "And what if that's not the case? Not that I'm saying Sirzechs is definitely wrong but there's a chance he could be."

Sparda: "I don't blame you for being skeptical given the lack of solid proof Artoria, but when Sirzechs has a hunch, he's normally right and I trust his judgment. Not only being one of the Devil Kings but also being one of my best students in history."

Vergil: "Anyway, Sirzechs asked Dante and I to be on stand-by in case more of these attacks continue to occur."

Dante then felt his phone vibrate as he pulled it from his pocket as saw he got a text from Izuku.

Izuku: 'Dad, I bumped into this woman not too long ago. Name's Makima and she's a public safety demon hunter and is Denji's boss. And my devil bringer went nuts when I was around her, so I think she's bad news. Try to see if you can dig up anything on her.'

Dante had a look of intrigue on his face as Lady took notice.

Lady: "Dante, what is it?"

Dante: "Izuku, he gave me a heads-up on a woman named Makima, and he told me she's Denji's boss."

Artoria: "Denji, isn't he that boy who can turn into a chainsaw demon I heard about from Mordred?"

Dante: "Yeah, that's the one."

Sparda: "Artoria, did you say this boy turns into a chainsaw demon?"

Artoria: "Yeah, why?"

Sparda: "I see, interesting." 'Chainsaw Devil, can it actually be him?'

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